Hey everyone. It’s Ryan Allison here with Allison Capital. I just wanted to shoot a quick video here. I’m part of Oz’s blueprint program. Just kind of wanted to share some of my stories that have happened with being involved in the program so far.

My background is in real estate. I actually had just relocated to a different market. I’ve been selling real estate for about 12 years in Wyoming and relocated out to California, and stumbled across the Oz’s material through that time, kind of looking for something to do in between getting relicensed to out here, and really just wanted something to do from home.

Start Your Own Business


So I found this opportunity with this business model, and it’s been awesome and going about three months now. If you’re brand new, just stick to it, just keep going through it and keep learning. I feel like I’m still learning every single day with it. But I funded some deals, we’re making some money with it, and it’s only the tip of the iceberg, I can see a lot more business expansion and growth to come in the future. I see the potential to really scale this to any level you want.

So this kind of being a side, part time thing at the moment, but it’s kind of become more of the full time thing for me now, so it’s been a great program, stick to it, if you’re on the fence about joining, definitely just dive in and do it. It’s well worth the investment. It’s a great investment into yourself. Lots of great training, and you’ll just learn lots of good things.

So hop on in and have some fun. It’s been a great ride. We’re meeting great people too. So thanks everyone. Just wanted to share, take care.

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