Start Your Own Business


Oguz Konar:
Hey, everyone. Oz Konar here with Business Lending Blueprint. I have another one on my members in from my community of Business Lending Blueprint, Charlotte. Hey, how are you?
Charlotte Smith:
Pretty good, Oz. How you doing?
Oguz Konar:
I am great. Charlotte and I have been chatting off the record before we get started on what she’s been doing and you’re in Florida right now, right?
Charlotte Smith:
Yes, that’s correct.
Oguz Konar:
Awesome. So yeah, the reason she’s here today, she’s having great success. And the one of the purposes of this channel is for me to, instead of me kind of bragging and telling you about this business opportunity, bring on actual people who took a dive into this and invested in themselves and getting results and have them talk about the change they’re going through. Right? I think that’s the best proof that I can present. So you, as the listener or the person watching this, can make a healthy decision, because this is a business opportunity. It might be for you. It might not be for you. I don’t know, obviously. But at least one thing we can do with Charlotte today is to decide and understand the business model so you can decide if you want to be a part of this or not. Right?
Oguz Konar:
That’s the reason that I asked her to come by and Charlotte was nice enough to spare time to be with me today. I truly do appreciate it. And I was telling her that every time I meet a memory of my community, I got super excited because Blueprint is my baby. Right? And every new member, they kind of show their commitment to the business itself and I take it personally. I love that. Okay. What brought you here? Why were you looking for something?
Charlotte Smith:
So I’m military. So that’s my whole background, but I got tired of the brake backing work so I just scrolling on YouTube one day ended up finding it. And usually when posts pop up, I usually listen for like two or three seconds and I’m like, “Yeah, nah, it’s not worth my time.” But yours just really intrigued me and I listened through the whole 45 minutes. I was like, “This is crazy.” So that’s kind of how I started because I wanted to have my own business and everything, so everything that you were saying in the video, that’s what I would wanted for myself. So I just rolled with it.
Oguz Konar:
What peaked your interest? Obviously, there are a lot of business opportunities out there, a dime a dozen. You go to YouTube and everyone is claiming to teach you how to start a business and whatnot. And you’re a smart person, so what truly peaked your interest about this versus other opportunities?
Charlotte Smith:
So what truly peaked my interest was after I got done watching the video and then I ended up getting my phone call, just a person to person talk what made it very important to me because it was personable and I’m a personable person. So I felt like the goal was attainable. So when we was talking back and forth and they was answering all my questions, I was like, “Oh man, that’s something that I really want to be a part of,” which I have went to videos prior and you they’d be like, “Oh, sign up here,” and then they just started spamming your emails with different stuff and you guys definitely didn’t do that. So, that’s what keep with you.
Oguz Konar:
Yeah, that’s important for us to keep that human touch because I see what you’re saying. A lot of what’s going on out there, say watch this video and go a buy and you don’t really know who’s behind this and what’s really happening. Can I not talk to someone? And you get pressured to take action immediately. So yeah, I do appreciate you noticing that, that one-on-one phone call makes a difference for certain people. They want to be able to talk to someone, get their questions answered and whatnot. So let’s talk about the business. So for someone who might not even know what business loan brokerage is, how would you define it? So what do you do on a day-to-day basis?
Charlotte Smith:
So on a day to day basis, I haven’t even tapped into all the wonderful things that we have with the program. But just for the small snip it that I have experienced, and I actually have made a lot of business cards so I got a lot of calls back from that, which is how I just funded my first deal.
Oguz Konar:
Charlotte Smith:
So a day to day would be for me, reaching out with emails to all my connections. And then after I get them on the phone, I see if I can help them either now or in the future. And if I can’t, I try to give them my email and my information so that if them or anybody else need help with funding with their business, then they can call me.
Oguz Konar:
And then if they do reach out, then you go through the process of seeing if they’re a good fit for any of the programs. Right?
Charlotte Smith:
If they qualify, yep.
Oguz Konar:
So many people might not know but in business loan brokerage, we have an extensive rolodex of different products. So what would you say about that?
Charlotte Smith:
So right now I’ve [inaudible 00:05:07] the MCA. So MCA is the Merchant Cash Advance and I was able to get someone in on the credit side of it. So one guy that I just got, he needed $10,000 for his business he just started. So I was able to get him a $10,000 card with one our lenders and now he got his credit card and everything. So I’m just sitting back and waiting.
Oguz Konar:
That’s awesome. So that startup funding, right?
Charlotte Smith:
Oguz Konar:
Which many people do not even know exists, especially business owners. When it comes to starting your business, you’re kind of limited in your options out there. There’s not much you can do. Banks do not have a startup funding option, but we do have a few lenders that allow someone to get up to $150,000 in start up funding. And although you know about Merchant Cash Advance, you saw the opportunity on a startup funding and kind of took advantage of that. I think that gives our brokers a lot of power to have access to multiple products. So you don’t have to say no, instead say, “You know what? We have this other program if you’d be interested in?” Right? So, that makes a lot of difference.
Charlotte Smith:
Yeah. Most of the people I deal with daily, like [inaudible 00:06:20] Connections, don’t have good enough credit to get in.
Oguz Konar:
Charlotte Smith:
And we have credit repair as well, so I try to sell that to them as well.
Oguz Konar:
It’s a full house, a very comprehensive part. That’s awesome. So you funded your first deal and you’re starting to make money. Congratulations. That’s a big deal. Right?
Charlotte Smith:
Oguz Konar:
First deal is always like, I remember my first deal because that’s a start of something big and its been many years. And then from that point on things have become a lot easier.
Oguz Konar:
And you are in our community, so what would you say about like, what is our community. I get that question a lot. I keep saying community, but I guess I don’t define it enough. So what is our community? What is that?
Charlotte Smith:
So our community is having the Facebook group, having the one-on-one Zoom calls, having the all in starters Zoom calls. So on Thursdays we have our Zoom calls where you get on, we’ll bring somebody on or you can just ask any questions. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or if you season. Because dealing with this stuff every day, there’s questions that come along every day and for what you don’t know, another person might. And what I take the most advantage of is our Facebook group. You can get on there anytime of the day and post a question and people will start flooding your comment. It’s like it’s no one problem, so that’s pretty awesome.
Oguz Konar:
That’s amazing. I wake up every morning and I check it. I’m like, “Wow, like 30 or 50 posts.” And people are asking about their deals and a couple of them funded their deals already in full automation and community taking care of itself. That’s truly rewarding for anyone who is a part of that, for sure. So what’s your goal from here on Charlotte? What are you trying to accomplish?
Charlotte Smith:
My long term is to get away from the military, which I’m still full time.
Oguz Konar:
Of course.
Charlotte Smith:
And just roll with this. I’m trying to be the next year Cheryl Tibbs around this thing.
Oguz Konar:
[inaudible 00:08:20]. Yeah, Cheryl, she’s one amazing lady for sure.
Charlotte Smith:
Oguz Konar:
Total inspiration to me and we chat every once in a while. She’s been through a lot, very [inaudible 00:08:30] for sure, so I love her from our community. Most of my friends are from the community, honestly, because like-minded people, it just makes it easier to get along. Right?
Charlotte Smith:
Yep. Absolutely.
Oguz Konar:
But yeah. Thank you for joining me today. This has been amazing. And I’m so happy to learn about you. What would you tell someone who’s kind of considering this, maybe they’re checking out other stuff too. Maybe they’re trying to see if this is real or not, if they want to do this, what would you tell that person?
Charlotte Smith:
So I would tell them it’s not a scam. So of course I had my thoughts in the beginning, but it’s not a scam. And the way you have the Blueprint set up, if you just sit down and listen to the videos and go through it step by step and not even just go through the videos once, just go through them constantly. This would be the greatest opportunity of their life to actually have their own business and not have to worry about anything. You could work from home. You don’t have to worry about COVID, none of that. And you can just keep your income going unlike the people during COVID that was unfortunate to not even have a job.
Oguz Konar:
Yeah. They get their businesses wiped out on one day. A lot of people lost their jobs and not much you can do other than pivot and do something else. And we’re seeing a lot of those people trying to look for something and of course they want to find out if this is real or not. That’s why your message is really important for them to at least see that, “Hey, it’s worth taking a look at.” We’re not saying go do it, but at least take a look at the free information readily available and you be the judge and decide, right? So that’s kind of important.
Oguz Konar:
But Charlotte, most importantly, I want to thank you for your service. Because of people like yours, we sleep comfortably and we can start running around businesses. So that just means a lot. We have a lot of service members. We’re honored to have you guys.
Charlotte Smith:
I appreciate it, Oz.
Oguz Konar:
Anything else I can do for you, Charlotte?
Charlotte Smith:
I think that’s it. I mean, I appreciate being in the Blueprint. I thank you for the opportunity, because if I never would have ran across the video, I wouldn’t be sitting here talking to you today. So I appreciate you and everything you’ve done.
Oguz Konar:
I appreciate it. We all do our part. So my part is to present the opportunity and you are obviously somebody who’s seen the opportunity and recognize it and took advantage of that, so the feeling is mutual. But appreciate your time, thanks so much. Looking forward to seeing the community. Okay?
Charlotte Smith:
All right, most definitely. Have a good one, Oz.
Oguz Konar:
Take care.

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