Start Your Own Business


Oz Konar:
Hey everyone, Oz Konar here, with Business Lending Blueprint. I’m the founder of the largest broker community in the United States and Canada. Today, we have another episode of us chatting with one of our members in the community, Ray. Hey, Ray. How’s it going today?
Ranier Henriquez:
Doing good, Oz. How are you?
Oz Konar:
Good, good. Ray just joined, we didn’t really have a lot of chance to chit chat before we started this recording. I’ll learn a lot about him while you guys are learning a lot about him as well. So, let’s get this going. Ray, can you just tell me a little about yourself and what you were doing prior to The Blueprint?
Ranier Henriquez:
Yeah, sure. I’m here with H-P Capital. Before this, I was doing this on my own. I was working on the brokerage side, just focusing more on the merchant cash advances, however, ever since I started the BLB with the Business Blueprint, when I reached out to you, it’s just been a different ball game. I seen everything increase substantially. So, I’m very thankful for this.
Oz Konar:
Yeah. I notice that too. You’ve been buzzing on social media nonstop. [crosstalk 00:01:16] Awesome. That’s how I seen you because I think it was like four or five times back to back that you were posting on your successes. Some of them are smaller deals. Some of them are larger deal. And I think I’m, on the corner of my screen, I see, is that the flow chart that you have on the wall?
Ranier Henriquez:
Yeah, actually, I have it set up right here, right behind me.
Oz Konar:
Oh nice, is there any way we can see the full thing or are you …
Ranier Henriquez:
Sure. For sure. Let me … I have it set up right there.
Oz Konar:
Nice. That’s beautiful. You’ve got it framed and everything, that’s great.
Ranier Henriquez:
Yeah. Yeah.
Oz Konar:
For those of you who might not know what that is, any new member who joins The Blueprint, they get a flowchart mailed out to them as you can see, it’s pretty massive. But I think, I don’t know if Ray would agree with me, it has been a game changer for many people, for them to see the big picture because in our daily lives, we talk about merchant cash advance, invoice factoring, real estate deals, credit repair, and all of that. But this is not product driven industry. So, people have success, not because they have the products, it is because they know how to utilize them. They arm themselves with these products and they know how to help other businesses get access to capital through the products.
Oz Konar:
And we said, there’s no better way to show that than a little mind map with branches, a flow chart we hold. And right now, we have about 10 of them for different lending options, for the sales process, lead generation process. But this is something that everyone gets. I see that obviously it’s on your wall. Do you see this as a value to you in your daily prospecting and lead generation, Ray?
Ranier Henriquez:
Yeah, for sure because sometimes I’m on the phone, let’s say with the merchant, with the client. They’ll ask me a specific question, asking me, oh, whether I qualify for this, that, and the third. So, I just turned right around. I just look at the flow chart and just right away, qualify them or even see if it’s a waste of time or see if it’s a good lead or not. So, that is definitely helpful. Very helpful.
Oz Konar:
Yeah. I mean, I think it eliminates a lot of back and forth conversation on who’s not a good fit because we all have finite amount of time, right?
Ranier Henriquez:
Oz Konar:
So, it’s not our goal to spend a ton of time with someone we can’t really help. Although that rarely happens. There’s always something you can do for somebody, most of the time, but it helps you cut to the chase because sometimes there are a lot of products and try to keep it in your mind while trying to have a conversation. It makes it more difficult and I think our flowchart simplifies that. All right, going back to what you said when we first started, so, you’ve been trying to do this on your own. Why didn’t you just continue doing it on your own? Why did you look up to BLB and decided to join?
Ranier Henriquez:
To be honest, I was doing this, I say for like five years now, and for the five years, I felt like I was just not scaling. Actually, I run the company here with my brother and actually, he saw about you guys on YouTube and he was like, “Ray, I think we have to do …” it was three years ago. And I’ll be honest, I never really had the means to do it. Always was a little nervous to do it. And yes, I like, “You know what, let’s just try this out. It seems like you have everything down packed, in regards to the lead generation, instead of focusing on buying data that is called hundreds of times by different people.” I’ve been having so much success, actually, even before getting into this Zoom call, I already have two appointments set up this week with LinkedIn. It’s just great. It’s been going great. And we’re going to start the Facebook generation. We can start generate leads through Facebook this week. So, it’s been awesome. I really appreciate this.
Oz Konar:
No, I mean, I’m glad that you were able to see the opportunity and take advantage of it then. Honestly, for existing business, long brokers, to jump ship and join The Blueprint, I think it’s a bigger commitment than someone starting from scratch and not even knowing about their issue, right?
Ranier Henriquez:
Oz Konar:
Because someone who has a nine to five, their dilemma is that I need a vehicle to get me off of that. Someone who is a broker, well, you have this ego thing. You started on your own. It’s almost like an acceptance that, “All right, so we’re not doing well. So, we need help, right?” A lot of businesses stop getting coaching because of that. They want to be the winner of the game on their own, but business is not a single person game. Never is, never has been. Any success that we claim is not the success of our own. It is from the mentorship that we get, the community, and also you need somebody who can assist you on things that serve as a blockage that we don’t even notice sometimes. We see it on our own way, right?
Oz Konar:
So, that’s the reason that we created the blueprint because like you, I am from the industry. And I know one of the stumbling blocks usually is that this whole phenomena of lead generation and the whole industry is coloring it black and white saying, if you want to get leads, you just tell a market call 300 people, do some cold calling. And that was it. And everyone was doing the same thing. Well, usually, as Warren Buffet says, if everyone is doing the same thing, you’ve got to do the opposite thing. So, I said, well, there’s a problem. So, we have this massive demand and we’re trying to meet this demand with merchant cash advance only, which is not that good for most of the businesses because we’re not even qualifying to see if that’s the only option out there, right?
Oz Konar:
I just thought a questioning, which gave birth to The Blueprint with all of these products and the umbrella of different solutions that you’re taking advantage of right now. But it’s good to hear that LinkedIn is working, and you generated two leads. And honestly, I was talking to somebody through a Messenger today. He just started this Facebook ads campaign. I know it’s paid advertising, but the leads are so cheap. He’s getting leads for like a dollar, 50 to two dollars. So, even if you’re spending like $10 a day, well that’s like five to eight leads a day. Then you can book a phone call and talk to them and whatnot. And LinkedIn is the same way. You haven’t used LinkedIn before, right?
Ranier Henriquez:
No, this is my first time.
Oz Konar:
Not at all, okay.
Ranier Henriquez:
First time. Yeah.
Oz Konar:
Okay. And you still with your partner. You guys are operating in a partnership still?
Ranier Henriquez:
Yeah, so me and my brother, we’re still running this together. Actually she he’s in the other room working on a few deals right now, yeah.
Oz Konar:
Yes. Let’s talk about the recent success, you’ve had a bunch of them, you stack them up. So, what’s been happening, what’s … I know that you guys were doing your own deals back then, on your own, which you said you were not really happy about the results. So, since you started, how many deals have you guys funded, small or big?
Ranier Henriquez:
We funded last month, we did a close to 300,000.
Oz Konar:
Ranier Henriquez:
Yeah, and we funded a total of six units. It’s almost a total of eight deals that we closed. What’s different about it is just one thing that changed the game for us was all the different avenues of different funding that you provide. Letting the merchants know instead of just pitching on the MCAs, MCAs, but letting them understand like, “Hey, we could get you an MCA now, also we have different products such as term loans, SBAs, refinances on properties.” So, when you open pretty much the door to all these different avenues, I feel they felt more comfortable working with us. And because of this, we saw the results. It took us a while to fund this amount before, but now we funded a total of six and we’re hoping this month could be even stronger. I actually have two more deals in the pipe. I think I told you about one LinkedIn deal that I got through a doctor that actually, I’m working on $500,000. So, if that one closes this month, actually I found out this guy had properties and I’m working on the 1.95 million dollar deal with that one right now.
Ranier Henriquez:
Yeah, [crosstalk 00:08:47]
Oz Konar:
You shouldn’t even know that those options existed before.
Ranier Henriquez:
No. I didn’t.
Oz Konar:
Yeah, I think something that you said that I caught a little bit of that, and let me know if that makes sense. Without different options focusing on just one option, which usually in this industry is merchant cash advance, doesn’t it feel like that you are not selling anymore?
Ranier Henriquez:
Oz Konar:
Before it’s a lot of just hard pushing, pushing the rate. Right now, if you give the client the options to choose from based on what they follow, would you agree with that?
Ranier Henriquez:
I agree a hundred percent. A hundred percent.
Oz Konar:
Because it makes … When a lot of people talk about like building a consultant based model, but it’s very difficult when you’re just pitching merchant cash advance because a lot of people have natural resistance towards that product because they don’t really know if there are other options. I mean if you run out of options, then do that, that’s awesome. It pays great. The client’s happy, you’re happy. So, I think in that, in that regard, you guys are doing great and those numbers are amazing. I mean, yeah. I read about your deal, half a million, that looks like, based on what you wrote, it might move forward. So, that’s a big payday, obviously. Probably the best day that you guys ever had in the past five years.
Ranier Henriquez:
For sure. For sure.
Oz Konar:
And then what is the other one, 1.2 million, you said?
Ranier Henriquez:
1.95 million.
Oz Konar:
Is that based on real estate?
Ranier Henriquez:
Commercial property, correct. He has a commercial property in the Bronx that he’s looking to pull cash out. And the value of the property is three million. And I now have the term sheet I send over to the client. It’s at 1.95. So, that could also be a great pay day, too. So …
Oz Konar:
And that’s an amazing offer, honestly.
Ranier Henriquez:
Yes, it is. It was 60% loan to value on it. But it’s just to say that if I only focus on merchant cash advance, he didn’t qualify because he was in auto sales and you know merchant cash advances don’t really like the auto sales. I would have just lost that lead. However, by asking him the question from the flow chart, I was able to get him qualified.
Oz Konar:
That’s massive, man. And you guys are looking forward to another big month. So, obviously a lot of people look at this opportunity. They look at other opportunities to start a business. What would you say? Someone who’s looking into this and they’re confused. They’re skeptical. A lot of thoughts going through their mind, like it happened to you. So, if you take yourself back to that time, what would you give, as an advice to Ray? Who was, before he joined Blueprint?
Ranier Henriquez:
Don’t wait. This is real. This is real, the program that you have set up, it’s real. You could easily make three figures in a month in this business blueprint that you have set up. It’s just, don’t hesitate. There are people promising dreams, get rich quick, but the way you have to set up, it’s real. So, if I were you, if you’re listening to this, don’t hesitate. Just sign up, it’s worth it. The return that you will receive from this blueprint, it’s real, it’s great.
Oz Konar:
Thank you for being a Testament for that. I really do appreciate it. And thanks for bringing up that point that, yeah, we don’t … This is not a get rich, quick scheme, right?
Ranier Henriquez:
Oz Konar:
This does require work. It requires discipline. That’s why I tell all the time, this is not a good fit for everyone. If you’re looking to get rich tomorrow, if you’re doing this just you hate your boss. Those are very superficial reasons. So, you need to have a strong why to start in any business, honestly. But the reason I believe this is the best place to start is, like you’re talking to me from your home right now. You don’t have to wear a tie and suit and be out there right now in the middle of pandemic to make your living, right? You said you generate leads through LinkedIn.
Oz Konar:
Well, everyone has access to LinkedIn, but no one is using it for lead generation. Now you’re talking about adding Facebook to it. Everyone has access to Facebook. No one is using it to make money. People usually use it to post their own pictures and follow people, nothing wrong with that. But if you’re financially struggling to make ends meet, and your goal is to make six figures and even seven figures, and you have in your arsenal, these free tools, LinkedIn, Facebook, and all the other tools that we recommend, you’re not monetizing that, I think that’s a big problem. And now, getting backed up by real legitimate lenders, with different products, anyone who’s truly entrepreneurial, because honestly, guys, I mean, Ray, you can attest to this, just doing things for the sake of just wanting to make money, that’s not enough. That’s … All the billings of people out there, everyone wants to make money.
Oz Konar:
It’s obvious, like who doesn’t want to make money? But if you just base your decisions on that, you’re going to lack the motivation. You’re going to lack the consistency. So, it has to be as strong or why, like in your case, you tried this for a very long time and it was painful and you got fed up, and finally said, “You know what? We got to do this.” That created your why over time. For some people, it’s very obvious. I hear stories like, “Listen, I got three kids to feed. They’re approaching school age, we need money. We need to grow.” And that’s a very strong why, or someone is losing their health because they have to drive trucks all day long. And there’s no other way to do it. I talk to these people too, right? So, you got to figure it out what it is for you.
Oz Konar:
I can’t do that for you, but know that if you’re willing to work hard, follow a system, even if you can put it a few hours a day, it will work. But it’s up to you to decide if you’re cut out for that, and I don’t want to sound cocky or anything like that, but I think, would you agree that entrepreneurial journey, it’s important that you know that you’ll do it, right?
Ranier Henriquez:
Sure, yeah.
Oz Konar:
Otherwise you’re adding to the difficulty of the whole thing and we provide the system, but we can’t really do anything if you’re not willing to take advantage of what’s given to you. That’s why I’m definitely thankful and grateful that you and your brother are in our communities and you follow the system, the model step-by-step, in relatively short amount of time. You’ve been funding deals, you’re talking about having $300,000 per month … A month’s revenue pretty much. And then growing up to a million dollar per month deals, right? So, what’s the goal for you guys? Where do you want to be six months from now?
Ranier Henriquez:
I’m hoping … We’re actually in the middle of looking for an office. We want to get an office and we want to scale it. Hopefully we could have a few guys and hopefully make this a five million dollar consulting firm that we could have here. We really want to scale this and just keep it going. So, hopefully from six months now, we could post some pictures in the community showing our new office. So yeah, that’s our plan. That’s our plan. We want to go big.
Oz Konar:
Yeah. That’s an amazing goal. And honestly, this is one of the best times to hire talent. There are just a lot of them, especially sales talent. We helped a bunch of our members move into an office and hire … Some of them hire 20, 30 people because I mean, there’s excess amount of sales people out there because of what we’re going through and all that stuff. They’re all looking for a home. You put the right company, scaling’s not a problem at all. You just repeat what you’re doing, but obviously you need more systems and more people to get it up to mobile seven figure business. Anything else you want to add, Ray? I don’t want to keep you long. You’re a busy guy. I want you to go back to work and kill it, obviously. Any last thoughts?
Ranier Henriquez:
No, look, I appreciate everything. And like I said, if there’s anybody listening to this who will listen to this, this is a great program. Just dive in, learn as much as possible from the modules. Listen to once, twice, continue just feeding yourself with the information and you just get the ball rolling. This is great. I appreciate the time, Oz.
Oz Konar:
Yeah, my pleasure, man. Thanks so much. Take care.
Ranier Henriquez:
You got it. Thank you, Oz.
Oz Konar:
Ranier Henriquez:

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