In this video we talk with Subina who onws a successfull six figure home based business, that she build up in just about 2 months with the help of the Business Lending Blueprint program.


Start Your Own Business


Hey everyone. Oz here. I have another special guest today with me, one of the members in my communities, Subina. Hi, Subina. How are you?
Hi, Oz. How are you doing?
I am doing great. Thank you. At this point, I don’t know if I have known you for like a year, Subina. We met at the event in Las Vegas. It’s been less than that?
Yes, it’s been about six months.
Six months? Okay. So I was speaking at an event in Las Vegas and he was … I’m sorry. She was in the audience and she came up and we started talking. I had other members in that audience and she started talking to them. Long story short, she became a part of the community and she’s been very active since then. So I wanted to bring her on because she’s been having killer success recently. I know everyone wants to know how to be successful, how to grow the business, how to make more money. That’s what we work for every single day. She’s a valued member. But before we get into the business side of the thing, Subina, I know you told me your story a little bit in Las Vegas. I remember parts and bits. So why don’t you tell me more about what you have been doing up to the point of you getting into business for yourself? What’s been going on in your life?
That’s very interesting because before I joined the business, I was working for a very large banking financial institution and had been for about 15 to 20 years. And I enjoyed it. And unfortunately because of different challenges, they started laying off some people. And I began to start looking for something to do where I would not have to ever worry about being laid off again. Because it’s like you feel very devalued after being there, being committed and dedicated. And unfortunately, there’s a rhyme or reason to who they select. But when you get laid off, you get laid off.
And that was the point that … It is transformative regardless, good or bad because now you thought you were a part of something, now you’re not because someone decided you’re not and starting from scratch is always difficult, especially, I guess, at your level, coming down from that income to zero and trying to … Because you have a standard of living. So how did that get affected?
It was very much impacted by that because you’re right. My income was definitely over six figures. And when they laid us off, that didn’t mean the bills got laid off. They stayed the same. So what we did was as a good thing that I was wise with the money and my husband saved our money. So what we did was we utilize our savings to maintain any interim until I was back up and running, because I didn’t want to just jump into any and everything. I did have some other banks that didn’t want me to work with them. But in my mind, I was like, “You know what? I want something of my own.” And I wanted to create my own legacy and something I can be proud of, and something no one could ever take away from me.
Wow, that’s powerful. Just creating your own legacy because I’m sure you could have easily started applying for jobs at different and maybe get a job and things like that. But I think a lot of times these kind of events, they awaken something within you. It’s like a warning call saying, “Hey, you think you’ve been doing something for yourself, but here it is. It’s been taken away from you.” And there’s really nothing you can do because you don’t own the company, you don’t own the product, nothing. And you took the right message out of that instead of just going back to what you were doing before you say, “You know what? Time out. We got to do something here. There’s a problem.”
How did you decide on this industry? Why this industry out of all the things that you could have been doing?
That’s a very good question. Actually, it was my partner. She’s an attorney. And one night she was surfing the web because I had shared with her that I had my own vision that I want to do something differently, and I want that in my own business. And she surf the web and found a few things. And she shared it with me about MCAs and merchant cash advance. I was intrigued by all that. And I was like, “Wow, let me see if I can learn to do that.” I’m still working with businesses and that’s what my history is in, working with businesses. And I got excited.
So then I started doing some research. I came up with a couple people in their communities and what they did and then I ended up out in Vegas and that’s how I have the great opportunity of meeting you. I was so excited. I was like, “I can do this. I can make it happen.” And after interviewing all the people that knew you, I knew that you was the right match for me. And that’s why I think I stalk you just a little bit.
Just a little bit, yeah. Just a tiny bit.
Every time you turned around I was behind you because I knew I had to learn a lot, and I wanted to learn from someone that has already been in my shoes so that they can help me so I didn’t have to make a lot of mistakes. What I normally do is in any job that I go to, I go find whoever’s number one, who was number one and do well and have great success, and then I mimic what they do.
I don’t create my own. I go and learn from them because they’ve already been through some things. They’ve already made some decisions. They already hit some rock bottom areas in their lives. So I want to sit and learn from them. And that’s why I interviewed you. I interviewed everybody. I felt like Oprah.
Yeah, I heard from probably 10 people say that, “Hey, did that lady ever talk to you?” I’m like, “Of course, she did, a couple of times. I know she talked to you too.”
I was just that eager because how were you going to learn if you don’t ask questions. And when your heart is set on doing something, you got to do your due diligence, and you’ve got to make an intelligent decision. And the only way to do that is do your homework.
Absolutely. I love that about you so much. For example, you’ve been someone who’s a six-figure earner, but you had no ego. You went to person to person to ask if this is the right fit. A lot of the times, as you would agree, what stops from people is their ego. Like they’re at a certain level. They already, “Oh, I know this industry.” Or, “I’ve sold before. I’ve done this. I’ve done that.” But they don’t see that. Whether they do this with me or not, that’s not the point. I think in life to accelerate at a rate beyond your own capability, you’ve got to work with people who’s done it before. Otherwise, trying to figure everything out by yourself it’s such a waste of time. I mean, yeah, we’re all intelligent creatures. You’re going to get to that level at some point. But why go through everything and spend, let’s say, five years instead of getting to it and six months. I think that makes the massive difference, you know?
Yes. I wholeheartedly agree. And it has been the best thing I’ve ever could have done. Instead of just having my sights on making money, that was not the only reason why I did this, because I’m familiar with the money. I had to have a vision. The money is a byproduct of your success when you do right with other things. And I said to myself, I’ve got to learn. I’ve got to step down and let people pour into me and invest in me. And I’ve got to show them that I am worth that investment.
Wow. Wow. That’s powerful. And ever since then, I know that you’ve been quietly working behind the scenes and you’ve come out every once in a while for air and ask some questions and you go back and work behind the scenes and come back again. That’s the reason I bring this up because sometimes I get the questions from people, “Oh, do I have to be active all the time? Do I have to put in 10 hours? Do I have to do this?” Everyone has different learning style. Right?
When you first started out, you told me, “Listen, Oz, I might have difficulty about some technical stuff. I’m going to ask questions.” We said, “All right, no problem.” And you did. So as long as everyone does their part, it just works. Because at the end of the day, you’re working with line of products, which we’re going to get to, that isn’t highly in demand. Because it’s one thing to try to sell something that no one wants to buy, it is another thing that you have a great product. It’s just a matter of figuring out, tweaking how to get in front of your audience and how to have them confidence in your ability, which is much easier than, let’s say, trying to sell cassette players right now.
Today, it would be very difficult to sell that because no one wants it, no matter how skilled you are, right? So I also noticed that with your learning style that you got to go in depth, study everything, come back and ask questions and go back again. And boom. You probably know Stephen Covey, right? Late Stephen Covey.
The author of the book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, that was his book. And there it says that private victories precede public ones. So in private, you study, study, study, then you start getting in front of. Then boom, we started seeing posts. They had been funding deals and getting clients and things like that. So why don’t you just take a moment and explain what that process looked like since the beginning, until the point that you’re here right now.
Oh, excellent. You know what I did? I went on and I started looking at all your lessons and learning, and I tell you when I hit LinkedIn, I felt like, “Oh, I’m done. I need to quit right now because I’m not the most techie, savvy person.” And that was a challenge for me. So then I said, “You know what, Subina? Are you going to spend more time worrying about what you can’t do, or focus on what you can do and then go get someone with the things that you cannot do, and then bringing them together and then make it like a little corporation?”
I wasn’t good with LinkedIn. So my daughter is very good with marketing. So I called my daughter up and I said, “You know what? Help me out.” And she did. My husband, he is good in another area. And I said, “You know what? Help me out.” So the three of us put our heads together, and we decided that we’re going to be successful. And we decided that we were going to learn, and we were going to decide what was going to be my best niche that was going to make me accelerate, and had the confidence that I needed to make people want to work with me.
So I spent a lot of time behind the scenes studying the different lines of businesses. I spent a lot of time learning about the marketing. I spent a lot of times thinking about how I can get leads and generate leads. And once I did my homework, and I got to tell you, Cheryl Tips is a big help to me because she says, “Subina, before you do anything, find your niche.” She did. She said, “Find your niche.” And you know what? I thought about that and that’s what I did.
So I went. I did some homework. I called all these different lenders, because you have a list of lenders. And I called those lenders and I actually interview them. I said, “Well, what makes you better than the next? Why aren’t you special? Why are you unique?” And they were thrown by my questions. It helped me because if I’m going to be talking to them about their line of business, I got to know what makes them unique because I’m unique.
Absolutely. Absolutely.
I did a lot. My first two months, I made a little bit of money, maybe a thousand here. I think about 2000 maximum. But what I learned was more valuable than the money, and that was education and training.
You’re investing in yourself, which helps you develop the skills that no one can take away from you, right? No matter what happens now, you have those skills. No one can fire you off of your skills. Nothing. So that’s the most important part. You gave a lot of golden nuggets. First of all, thanks to Cheryl. And for those who might not know who she is, if you’re in my channel, I interviewed her. I’m going to put a link on top of this interview.
She’s a lady who works from home pretty much and she averages 30 to $40,000 in commissions. And her secret is something I talk about a lot is mission down, right? Instead of trying to be everything to everybody, which is very difficult to do and stand out above the crowd. She picked a niche and went after it. And throughout the United States, honestly, there are only a handful of people, maybe less, who can do what she can do. That’s why if you need something done in her specific area, or she’s the person to go, and she’s very active in my community.
So that’s the first thing. And the second thing is your commitment to what you want to do. So you faced the reality, right? You say, “All right, so these are my unique challenges to my personality. Either I’m just going to go back and cry and say, ‘You know what? Oh, this didn’t work out. Oh, this is not for me. Oh, this is a scam.'” Or anything like that. You say, “You know what? All right, so this is a legit product or business. I have to figure it out how to make it for myself.
And you got the help from the family. You have an amazing family. I met your husband, amazing guy. So they helped out and now you didn’t make $20,000 on day one, right? But you made something, which established your belief, but you weren’t looking at the bigger picture. How do I build this business? Now, fast forward two months. Honestly, I don’t even know the answers to this question. So where you been at right now? So what’s been going on? I know you’re submitting some deals and funded so I’m curious to know too.
Oh, I’m doing really, really well. I have decided to really focus on real estate because I’m good at that and I’ve done that before. So I currently now have about 15 real estate deals in the pipeline. I had four that already closed. I told you, once I figured out what I’m going to do, I’m a beast. I’m going after it. So I have clothes for ready. I got 15. And now I have a great opportunity to meet one of the largest contractors in Pennsylvania. And I’m very excited about it because he heard about me.
And that’s big. That’s important to me. Marketing is great. Don’t misunderstand me. But when people can talk about you and your uniqueness and your qualities, that sells more than any kind of website. Not that I shouldn’t have one. But I’m saying it sells more than anything that you can say about yourself because people in the community, like you got to meet Subina. I’m like, “Yes. Let her talk to you. You just got to be in her presence. It’s an experience to work with her.”
And that’s what I’m dealing with now. I’m not even marketing yet. I got a marketing plan. We sat down. We talked about it. We put money towards it. But I’m like, “I’m busy already. I had 15. I don’t know if I’m ready to put all that out there yet.” But I’m excited because this is just really our second month really focusing on real estate, and we’re doing a wonderful job.
That’s incredible, 15 deals and four are funded already. And you haven’t been in the industry like someone listened to this might be in business for a couple of years and this is their dream to get to. Like having submitted that many deals. And you already funded for and you’re not in an actively doing the marketing. And honestly, that’s the purpose of it marketing, right?
I’m not really doing the marketing yet, Oz. [crosstalk 00:15:13].
You haven’t fired it because you have other ways of generating leads right now and people are talking about you. That’s where you want to get to, right? So marketing it primes it. And then once they see and know that you’re in it, if they see your passion, it radiates. It’s like smile. When you smile they want to smile. It’s the same thing. That’s awesome. Let’s talk about the potential, some of those will fund. But the deal is that you funded four of them. How much did they accumulate in commissions so far?
Oh, I’m at roughly, I can tell you that right off the top of my head. We’re talking about 17 to 18 grand.
Wow. Wow.
So you can imagine what 15 is going to do.
Even [inaudible 00:16:00] come through.
It’s going to be a great month for us. And what I do, though, is I don’t just build transactions. I build relationships. What are your goals? What do you want to do? When I talk to investors, when do you want to retire? How can I help you? How many loans do you want to close them up? Like I dig in deep. And they shared this with me all the time. Nobody ever asked me these questions. I said, “I’m going to be your banker. So I’m going to give you a reason to want to work with me.”
And then I got to go and find the right lender that’s going to match with his goals are, her goals are, and that way I’m successful. I ensure my success by listening to my investors. What do you want? What’s important to you? How can I help you? Give me three qualities about yourself. What’s important to you? These are the questions I asked them. I interview everybody. Oprah Winfrey junior or something. I don’t know. But I interview everybody because I feel like if I learn about you, and I understand what you need, I’ll make sure I can assign you to the right person, the right lender, and then we’ll have a success story.
That’s incredible. I love that you interview everyone because one thing about us, human beings, if we do not ask, we start assuming. And a lot of times we assume the wrong thing about the other person. You don’t want to do that. You always want to ask and have them tell you what it is that they do, their strenghths, their weaknesses, what they want to accomplish. It’s like gossiping, right? A lot of times you’re wrong and it becomes your truth and it’s the wrong way to look at it. You’re definitely doing it the right way, building those partnerships with people and asking them, a lot of times active listening, cause I want talks about it. But very rarely people practice it, right?
A lot of times when someone is talking, you’re thinking about what you’re going to say next instead of active listening what they’re actually saying. When you think about what we do is pretty simple. We’re liking the matchmaking business. We’re finding someone who has a need, mashing it to the right lender and bring them together. And because of that, we make money, which is awesome, obviously. But they get what they want. The lender gets what they want, and we get what we want. So it’s a win-win all around. And it’s just the repetition of that that builds businesses. So I’m sure if someone sometime next month, you’re going to over 20, $30,000 competing with Cheryl.
In real estate, though.
In that area, not in the same category.
No, not the same category. I can’t compete with her.
Before we started recording, I asked you, Subina, I said, are you home right now? And you said you are at the hotel right now. So tell me about that. So what are you doing at the hotel and are you having a vacation or you’re working? What’s going on?
Well, I’m having a mini vacation, but I am still working because I don’t want any of those files to fall apart. So I’m still looking at it, paying attention to it. But yes, my husband and I were on a mini vacation because our daughter’s graduating Sunday. She’s getting her master’s degree. No, Saturday. And she’s getting her master’s degree in seminary. And we decided that we was going to spend some time together, me and my husband, because we’ve been working very, very hard, but we want him to spend some quality time together. So we’re in a hotel and we’re going towards [Limpsberg 00:19:16], which is another six hours away. So we decided every three hours we’re going to stay in a hotel and just relaxing and keep each other company. And as long as I have my phone and my computer, I’m good to go and I can still work.
Yep. That’s awesome. So you can work from any place, the location freedom, the time for you to. Those are the things that we keep talking about. Great. Any last thoughts that I haven’t mentioned that you want to voice?
Yes. One thing I will say that I think is very important is when you are talking to potential customers, hear them. Because if you hear them and you start having them talk about your business, I promise you you’ll make a connection. But when you start talking about interest rates and this, that and the other, you’re going to lose them because you are no different than anybody else. You’ve got to be unique. Why should they want to work with you? And you need to know that answer before somebody ask you.
And that’s the first thing I say to them. Let me tell you why you want to work with me. And I have my spill together and they get blown away. And then I say, “Tell me about your business and why are you so successful? What’s different from you that any other investor that I’m working with?” And it’d be like, “I’ve never asked that question.” That’s your connection.
It makes them feel very special, right?
You can make it happen. Don’t give up. Keep on going. Stay positive. I’m telling you, you can make it. You can make it. I can do it, anybody can do it, honestly.
You’ve been killing it. We love having you in our community. Thanks so much for being who you are and staying committed to your own goals. I mean, you had a vision from day one that has not changed a bit since the day that I met you. So you had the fire in your eyes and you made it. This is it. Right now from this point on, it is just rinse and repeat. Now you have the formula. It’s working for you. It’s just doing more of that and help you in your community, the entire family. That’s the beauty of the business that we’re in and makes everyone happy, both financially and personally. It gives it a flexibility to go wherever you want, to attend your daughter’s graduation and travel at the same time, close deals without feeling guilty that you took days off from work and you have to catch up with emails and things like that. So all that is pushed to the side and I’m sure you’re not missing that those days.
I love these days better. I’m not stressed anymore. I’m living life. I’m living the life. I’m living the dream. I’m like Daniel Diaz right now. I love that guy. He’s done an awesome job too. He was indefinitely great mentor. Thank you for introducing me to him.
Oh no, I love Danielle. He’s a brother to me and he’s like the definition of home base business pretty much. He lives in California. He’s always in his shorts and he does like 40, 50 grand a month. And he has his daughter. And he works in the hours that he wants to work. You take him and he’s like the poster child of financial freedom and location freedom and time freedom.
And that’s who I’m striving to be like him and Cheryl.
Two great role models in front of you for sure. All right, Subina. I’m not going to hold you more but thanks so much for doing this for me. I know you were probably busy with the deals and graduation. But I do appreciate you again in my community and say hi to your great husbands. I haven’t seen him.
Thank you, Oz. I appreciate the opportunity.
My pleasure. Take care now. Bye-bye now.
Alrighty. Bye-bye.

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