Start Your Own Business


The next question is, obviously you recently joined the program and you’re having a lot of success and so far I think you’re really active in the program. What would you say about the training that I put together to someone who might not really know about it yet?

I can tell you this, the pack, what you have put together as far as the information and the knowledge that is needed to be able to take the first step is there.

And another thing that I’m very impressed with is that you’re always trying to improve because just recently you came out and said, we’re going to be making some changes to the training platform. And which I think is great because what I’ve seen from you for the last three to four weeks that we’ve known each other, I know you care about the people and that’s what counts. And also to where we as funding consultants can excel above the competition.

I appreciate it. Thanks so much. Yeah, there is always room for improvement. We can never rest on our laurels and say, hey, we got it, we did the best we can do. Right, that’s never enough because everything is changing. Either it’s an evolutionary process, either you change or you die. So there’s a constant change and it’s our job to stay with that.

So what would you say to someone who wants to do this, but they’re maybe on the fence about joining the program and they’re thinking about it. What would your recommendation be to those people?

Something that I’ve learned, I’ve known ever since I started back in 1982 but one thing that you really bring out, what is your why?

Wow, great point.

Really, it has to start there. If it doesn’t start there then basically it’s going to be, I feel it’s going to be like a hamster running on a wheel, on a cage wheel, and you’re never going to get to the destination. You’ve got to identify the why.

And for each person it could be different, and even on the calls that I have with people and I remind them, listen, this is not about me. This is about you. So yeah, I do what I do. It satisfies me. But on your end, if we were able to fast forward this moment to five years, would you be in a different place than where you are right now because of the decisions that you make today, right?

Of course, definitely.

If you don’t think that you’re going to be at a better place because you’re staying where you are, how do you feel about that? Because sometimes there are moments in people’s lives that are really transformative. A small enough decision that you make can make a two degree difference in your life. But if you fast forward those two degrees, the divergence becomes 80 degrees five years from now and it lands in a totally different spot, either positively or negatively.

It could be that, you started drinking one beer a night, then you start repeating and repeating and after two months you cannot sleep, go to sleep without drinking. Then fast forward five years, you have a drinking problem.

Same thing with other things. You’ve built the right habits. Five years from now with those right habits, you’re not making 50 grand, you’re making half a million dollars, you have a better lifestyle. It could be your health.

It works with anything. You’re definitely right so it is a great system for the right person, as long as they know that they’re clear on why they’re doing this. It can’t be just, hey, I want to make more money. Well, yeah, everyone wants to make more money. That’s not a real why. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to make money and there are so many vehicles to make that money, but it’s just why you’re doing what you’re doing and is this the right vehicle? I think that’s the main question. Anything else you want to add before we wrap up?

Just, I would just like to say just a couple of things, and of course I’m looking for your feedback, but one thing is is that we’re all different and each one of us is going to be taking one step at a time, moving forward. And one of the things that you bring out that I think is very important, don’t be worried about imperfection.

Because imperfection is proving when you get imperfect results, it is proving that you’re taking the steps to work towards those perfect results.


And it takes knowledge. Another recommendation I would make, get knowledgeable. I would say to the people get knowledgeable, go read a few blogs here and there.

Of course.

Get a little bit of knowledge about the industry that we’re in and I think that would be invaluable. Also, pay attention to what’s going on around you with other people. Pay attention to what’s going on in the group. Comments that are being made and things like that.

Because people that are in the group have the same dream and hope, maybe the same type of vision that I do and anything I can do to help them move forward. What it’s going to do is it’s going to make the industry better. It’s going to make the aspect of the title of being a consultant instead of a salesman better and you’re going to beat the competition every time.

Yeah. You touched on a great point. I think we’re building a great community of people while the other people out there are focused so much on the competition, they kind of steal deals from each other and they keep repeating that this is so competitive. People are going to take our deals and things like that.

As a community, we’re helping each other out. Like that’s just, that amazes me and I’m so respectful of people in the community. Because just like you said, there is enough opportunity for everyone out there.

When you think about it, the number of clients you need to reach the financial goal, whether it’s half a million, a million, it is not a lot. We’re not in a business that you need to sell to half a million people to be able to make this much revenue.

If you’ve built a small enough client base that just could be enough for that to feed you for the rest of your life, but the referrals you get and the additional needs that they have. So I’m just so happy that together as a group, we’re building this community and I’m definitely thankful that you took your time today to join me on. I appreciate it. Thanks so much for doing this.

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