Start Your Own Business


Everyone else here, I have a special guest here, Dora with me, one of my members in the blueprint community. Hey Dora.
How’s it going?
Great to have you. Thanks for joining me today. Guys if you’re watching this on YouTube, don’t forget to subscribe below this video so you can get interviews like this all the time. Not from my channel since I have a lot of members that I do this with. Dora is my guest today because she joined people [inaudible 00:00:28] very recently, right?
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
And she’s having success and I wanted to get to know her a little bit more and while I’m doing that, I wanted you guys to get to know her and see what it looks like to succeed in this industry. So Dora, can you just start by telling me a little more about yourself and your background and things like that?
Yeah, so gosh, my background started out in real estate. I was a real estate investor and I was a loan officer until ’08. After the crash I went to go work for a company for a while and then I decided when my youngest daughter graduate, I was going to go back on my own again. So I would do in a little bit of loans here and there, but I went full blast. Then I found out about merchant cash advances. So I just did a search on what I need to do to get started on my own. I found you on YouTube and here we are.
I saw it and I can see that you’re, I guess at your home. So you would do it as from home, right?
Absolutely. Oh, I love it.
And you found me where on YouTube? You said.
Yes. I went for a search and I found you on YouTube. I found you on YouTube. And then I said, “You know what, I got to do this.” I started, I mean I started working for somebody who did it and I just knew that is a way I can do it. Yeah, I could do it better. So I just-
-The whole problem with working for somebody else. So what led you to decide to do this on your own? Pretty much.
The main reason was he was never available.
Oh, I see.
I had a lot of questions and I was ready and I was really anxious and he was sometime coming to office and he sometimes wasn’t, he just wasn’t available.
Gotcha. Okay.
So I was looking for ways to learn on my own and that’s how I found you guys.
Yeah. And a lot of times, even if that person had the time, they wouldn’t want to teach you the entire business model. A lot of times-
-That’s true.
All they want you to do is produce for them and yeah. And because I get that question a lot. People are like, “Oz, is it better for me to work for somebody else and then do it on my own. Would you say it is, is it a good option?” I’m [inaudible 00:02:42].
Oh my God. I’m telling you when I say the blueprint does everything, everything. I mean this, after that I had questions about was there, I set up businesses before in the past, so I knew a lot to set it up. But you guys even gave me insights to the stuff that I didn’t know like for instance, finding the address I didn’t how to do that. And I didn’t know how to do that, the phone numbers, the phones, all of that. Everything was there. I spent, and I still haven’t made it through all of the blueprint. Every day I’m just going back and learning more. So yeah.
Yeah. We have hundreds of hours of content, if you kind of count the weekly calls and things like that. I mean if you haven’t checked that out there’s a lot of stuff on those calls that we’ve been recording it for a while, the weekly Q and A calls because that helps a lot. And it’s not designed to be just used once as you’re growing your business, you’ll use it more often.
So you’ve joined and I saw your [inaudible 00:03:46] within our Facebook group.
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Within 30 days I think you have success, so that was like back to back, so you’ve got not only funded one deal, but you have two more coming in the pipeline.
I think you’re going to be next [inaudible 00:03:59]. I don’t know if you’ve seen her. I interview her, Sabina. She usually does like eight to 10 deals a month.
Okay. Shoot. I like to talk to her, but then I want to do the, that’s going to be part of what I want to do. I do want to, I’m starting with Murcia Cancer Advances, so I have a deal. I had the deals that came through that wasn’t a strong. So I’m waiting for one today that I think it’s going to be pretty strong that I can close on that one too.
Yeah. It’s a combination of, I mean you can do a lot. You could really do a lot. I mean customers, when you get a customer, nobody should walk away empty handed. Is something that you can do if you really look at the blueprint and see what’s available.
100% that’s the goal, right? If you have only one product to sell, everything looks like a nail, all you have is a hammer. So with us, you got to have multiple products, in your case so there’s a solution. Always a solution for somebody as long as-
-That’s true.
They have their needs. That’s all purpose. And you’ve been taken advantage of that. So any other feedback? Anything else you can tell someone maybe who is watching this and thinking, “Is this is for me or can I do this? Or is this a scam” or what would you say?
So it works. It works. I have my hesitations in the beginning too though. I can say that.
Even I tell everyone, you got to have your hesitations and you got to do your due diligence, right? So and that we never push anyone to do it blindly, obviously. But at some point you got to make a decision. That decision could be, “No, this is not for me. Or yes, I will do it.” Many people struggle by just cannot making a decision. That’s the part I don’t tolerate because that’s hurting them. Right. So it’s not hurting anybody else.
It’s true.
You do your research and tell me (a) I don’t like this product or I don’t like this guy [inaudible 00:05:50] I don’t want him as my mentor. Whatever it is, you got to come to a conclusion. A lot of people go through life not making decisions and there’s thinking, well what’s going to happen? So like you said, you’re going to have your hesitations, you’re going to be skeptical, all of that. They’re natural human feelings. We all go through that before we make an investment. That’s the reason we’re doing interviews like this to make it easier so someone else can see them in you. How you did it within 30 days, because I can keep saying that until I’m blue, but until they see someone doing that, you joined, it was at 30 day or it was 28 days. How long did it take?
It takes, it will. We had one close in time, it would have been if I had to close a time, 21 days.
Yeah, it would have been a 21 days, but we had to push it back for some reasons there. But yeah, I mean the customer is happy, he’s happy, I’m happy. It turned out really well. Yeah. And then he has other things he’s working on that he’s going to bring to me again, so we just [crosstalk 00:06:55] make it. Mm-hmm (affirmative). So yeah.
That’s awesome. So what part of the blueprint did you like the most so far that you would say that separates this from anything else you’ve seen?
Oh God, I like all of it really. I mean, it’s the knowledge and then I could tell you this is, it’s a lot to soak in. So what I do is I may go to one and I’ll take it in bits and pieces. So I go to a part and I learn it or I look at it and all of it’s over my head in the beginning. Then I go back on and do it again. And then you notice it’s going to start a sinking in afterwards, [inaudible 00:00:07:31]. And all of it is there. So what I was really impressed with is how you set up everything you had the website and I know how long it takes to do this. And because I did it in the past, the website alone can take you what? Up to two months really if you get the right stuff to put in there. That was amazing.
I appreciate it because yeah, I know website process, not the design itself, but deciding on things and getting improving things that can take months,
And not a revenue generating activity. Right. So you got to get that out of the way. That’s why initially my team was like, “Are we going to really give them an entire website? Can we just not give?” I’m like, “No, we’re going to do that” because I want them to focus on revenue generating activities instead of just designing and things like that and learning WordPress and all that stuff because that just adds a lot to your learning curve. You can’t just ramp up. And if I’m telling that someone can start getting results within 30 days, we got to have the foundation for it to work properly.
True. That’s true. Me in the past with Bev’s website, I kept struggling with what to put in it, how it sounds, is it worded right? That sort of thing. But when I took a look at the website you guys created, there it is. All there. You only have to think, just sign up and go.
That’s awesome. So we already did a lot of back and forth because of my schedule and things like that. So I don’t want to keep you long. Any last minute thoughts or any recommendations to someone who’s watching it right now?
Yes. You’re not going to know until you try it. You’re just not going to know. Just like you said, “Anybody can tell you over and over.” And I was, I have a boyfriend I’ve been with for a long time. I went back to him, I said, “Man, I just don’t know.” But you not going to know. It’s not anything I can tell that person, but to try it. That’s the only way you’re going to know.
Only way.
No, I appreciate, that’s so important because in business there is no such a thing as zero risk, right? If someone is telling you that they’re not telling you the truth, you can’t eliminate risk altogether. And business really doesn’t walk on people who want guarantees anyway, like 100%,it doesn’t exist. At some point you got to have it in you to pull the trigger, which you have done it and obviously it’s working really great. And when I look at it and we have a hundred plus people like yourself in the community, I’ve always looked for common themes that what brings you guys together? What’s common with being, let’s say Sabina and Dora, you, that you guys are successful in a short amount of time.
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
It is that [inaudible 00:10:08] setting. It’s the courage to take action, right? You see something, you look at it like you said, the training is very comprehensive but you listen, I would say, “All right, so I got to take this one step at a time, not try to devour the whole thing and try to remember everything.” It just doesn’t work that way,
Because you were learning about my entire business. So I think that common theme is the ability for someone to do their part then take action and apply what you’re learning. So that’s why when I saw your post, I said, “Listen, I want to talk to this lady and find out if she’s going to support that pattern.” And you definitely do,
And what you’re saying-
-But then you’re going to have, you’re going to have things that encourage you in a way. I could tell you, when I went to open up my bank account at the bank, the first thing the lady did was she said, “You know what? We have accounts through here all the time that we can’t close.” And then I thought, okay, where she’s going with it. And she made, I opened my bank account one day and I had a meeting with her three days later. So now all the ones that comes in the bank and I’m like, “Okay, people want to work with you. People want money.” So I thought, wow, so even though you started, you hesitate. If you walk towards it and started doing it, there’s going to be things that’s going to happen that you’re just not going to believe it.
You’ll be surprised that things will develop so fast that those relationships I talk about all the time, but those who kind of give it they’re 5% like you did, right. You noticed that thing that is a problem, people are getting declined right and left so they have no place to go. They don’t know. They need to know who you are so they can come to you and you can kind of help them through the process.
It is just massive demands. But thanks for following the blueprint and I know that I’m going to be hearing your name a lot more in the community with that, what’s going on and definitely do part two when you reach that, a seven figure level, six, seven figure level and in a short amount of time. And we’ll take it from there.
I cannot wait. Cannot wait.
Thanks so much for your time. Great to have you. Thanks so much for joining me today.
You guys take care.
All right. Bye bye.
Bye bye.

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