Start Your Own Business


Hey everyone, Oz with Merchant Cash Advance Success Blueprint. We just finished our first mastermind with a couple of the key members from my community who are taking advantage of the blueprint program. And they qualified to be with me for this past two days to learn advanced level strategies to take their business to the next level. I’m here with one of my members here, [Canton 00:00:25] and I wanted to ask him a couple of questions on your behalf about the training. We’ll see how he has been doing since he joined. So yeah, if you can take a minute to introduce yourself and what you have been doing prior to finding the program. Let’s start with that.

Sure. My name is Canton. So I joined the program back in May of 2018 so about five months ago, late May. Prior to the program I was working in banking for about three or four years. Quit that, started my own eCommerce business and I still have that today. Started doing online marketing for my eCommerce business, lead generation and ended up finding the program through Google. Joined the program back in May and been doing it full time since then.

So you’ve been doing this… You’re a merchant cash advance provider for full time. You’re doing this full time right now [crosstalk 00:01:16]-

Yes, correct. Full time.

Okay. So I know that your transition had been quite impressive. So if you can walk me through the revenue generated since your first month until this point.

Definitely, yeah. So I think the first month in June I generated maybe four or $5,000 of revenue. Right? I was still learning, getting my know leads up. I was learning systems, putting the systems in place, putting my CRM, all that. At the time I was only offering, I think one or two parts. I really only knew about Merchant Cash Advance. Month two I think I generated about maybe $6,000 in revenue.

By revenue, just to be clear, this is commissions?

Commissions, yeah. It’s just straight commissions, which is basically 100% profit. Minus whatever you might spend on systems or ad spend, right? Month three, I generated I think it was about eight or $10,000 in commissions. Month four which is basically last month I’ve generated $19,000 and change in commissions and this month I should be able to beat that and do a little bit more.

So your goal, you’re telling me is it $25,000 for this month? Right?

That’s correct. Yeah, $25,000.

Yeah. So when you joined the training, so you’ve been through a massive transition, right?

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

So if you didn’t do this, you would probably have a job somewhere or you would be maybe in a business where you can generate revenue, but your costs of goods and things like that is really high. So when you say $25,000 just like you said, this is mostly profit [crosstalk 00:02:44]-

Oh yeah, 90% of it is profit. Right.

Pure profit. That’s the beauty of this business. So how has the blueprint program helped you through this transition?

Definitely. So I’m a big fan of courses and [inaudible 00:02:55] idea of taking a course to understand and learn from this somebody who has laid it out for you. Right? So you can cut your learning curve. Basically it’s allowed me to do that. Condense what would have taken me years of learning into a course that’s easily digestible, that lays out actionable steps for you to go ahead and generate revenue your first month in. You put the systems and everything in place so that you can grow a scalable business. Right?

So, you know, it’s definitely sped up my learning curve by taking the course and understanding what I need to do on the products, why I’m doing what I’m doing and kind of sell, help prospect, and things like that. And not to mention the Facebook group support that we have from veterans that have been in industry that are willing to share the information that they learned over the years. Any type of, basically tips or tricks that they’ve learned in doing this with us and that we can utilize as a small [inaudible 00:03:45] and grow our revenues, and grow our profits. [inaudible 00:03:47] the community and support the community gives, and that actual information you’ve learned from the course to put everything in place. It’s the complete package basically. Everything you need to get started and succeed is all here in front of us.

So for someone who’s considering either joining my training or considering starting a Merchant Cash Advance all together, what would you suggest? Because you’re entrepreneurial and you’ve tried different things and you have… I mean you would have started a business regardless whether you’ve met Merchant Cash Advance. So in comparison to other things that you could have done or you were doing, how would you compare the opportunity to them?

So again, when we’re talking about the numbers we’re generating here. Those are pure profits, right? It’s not like you’re selling a physical product and you have a profit margin on that product that costs X amount of dollars. These are pure profits. So in terms of generating those revenues, your average revenue for a deal like this is equivalent to let’s say an average $1,000 to $5,000 right?

It can range [crosstalk 00:04:52] and that’s just a pretty broad range. There are large deals and there are with some parts, sometimes smaller deals as well. But your average deal is somewhere between the size. You could see it only takes a couple of deals for you to hit a large number, but a livable income in New York city. But yeah, in terms of other businesses out there, in terms of if you can follow the blueprint and get the steps of lead generation, how to sell, how to prospect, obviously starting those things, you’re not going to know from day one. But you grow on those skills and you work on those skills, you’ll be able to build that income honestly. It’s everything that you need to learn is in front of you and-

How long would it have taken if you did not have any guidance at all, if you’re trying to… Because many people in this industry, they get in and in less than a year they get out. Because they think it doesn’t work or it doesn’t work for them. So let’s talk about that process. What would your course of action would have been if you did not know you can build this business from home?

If I didn’t know about this industry or this business in general?

Let’s say you knew the industry, but you go with traditional understanding of how to build this business. Usually people go through the route of cold calling, telemarketing. That’s their perception [crosstalk 00:00:06:03]. Yeah. So like what would it look like for you now?

Now you know, if I said, “Hey, the only way to do this was to cold call,” I wouldn’t have done it.

You wouldn’t have done it?

No, there’s no way I’m going to sit there and make 200, 300 calls a day because there are more efficient ways to do things. And that’s not something that I foresee myself doing every day. That’s not what I got into business was [inaudible 00:06:26] obviously as clients come in, at least come in, I’ll call. But instead of making 200, 300 calls a day, I’ll make 10, 15 calls a day and generate much better results that way. Marketing I knew versus how many of us are called cold calling.

Yeah. And how is that affecting your relationship with your clients? Like if you were to convince, sell, someone, close someone on the phone versus the way you’re doing it right now. Did you not feel like they have a lot more respect for what you do?

Oh 100%. The clients, so, you know, I’ve been in business five months, there have been multiple clients I’ve already reviewed. There have been clients that I’ve built a relationship with. They’ll call me out of the blue and say, you know, telling me what they’re working on, what kind of projects they’re working on, future plans for expansion. In a lot of ways when I approach my clients and I do business with them. I honestly have invested interest, their best interests at heart. I want to see them succeed. I don’t want to put in programs that aren’t fit for their model. I don’t want to put them in programs that are going to put them in a worst situation. And by doing so I think the clients realize that I’m out there as a partner for them. As a, basically a resource for them to access the financial capital they need. Whatever product that might be.

And they see that and that’s why a lot of clients I’ve done business with left good reviews and have come back and say, “Hey, this is what I need now.” Or situation change, or “Hey, can you help me with this?” And it’s nice, it’s rewarding because you see a business grow and generate revenues and returns based on the money you were able to access with them. It’s a rewarding feeling. They feel like you’re on their side and we are on their side. It’s nice to see their business grow. As well see my business grow from having those ethics and practices of my business.

Yeah, and you’re truly becoming a consultant for them-


Yeah. Not just a sales guy on the phone who’s just thinking about his pocket off. Obviously you all want to make money. That’s just how you make it and how you feel about making it and building your people who support you, like the customers and things like that. I think that has massive value.

Exactly. At the end of the day, I’m not going to sell the client a product that I don’t think will help them. Not good for business and it’s not going to help anybody. It might make me a buck but I’d rather do it, be in it for a long term. [crosstalk 00:08:33] something that’s going to help them.

Awesome man. Yeah. This was really valuable because I always try to have people who’ve been going through this process and they’re building and you came from zero to building a $25,000 company and it’s not just one time. You’ve been consistently skyrocketing your revenue and you’re working from home. You don’t have a side job because of this opportunity. You’re doing this, and were talking about this. And probably in a matter of couple months, you’re going to break the 50, $60,000 mark.

Hopefully, that’s the goal.

That’s definitely the goal. But yeah, thanks for sharing your experience. Appreciate it. Great to have you, Canton.

I appreciate it, thank you very much.

Thank you.

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