Start Your Own Business


Lina Odea:
Well, my name is Lina Odea and I’ve been a member, I think, since June of last year. I can’t recall exactly. So, I was always kind of struggling before. I didn’t really know how to lead generate. It was a lot of dead ends. And when I saw Oz’s Blueprint program, I was like, “Oh my God, this is the key. This is the ticket.” So, I joined it and I think, like many people at first, my struggle was I didn’t really fall…
Lina Odea:
I think that’s the big ticket here is to really focus, use the Blueprint all the way, and that is what helped me skyrocket, personally. So, this program really changed things because it helps you build a website. You get a great website. That alone is worth the value. Also, just knowing how to advertise and optimize and really have a presence that people can look at and trust, because these are people who are trusting you with their info. So, they want to look you up and see that, oh, this is someone that I can work with. And that really helped me to focus and be like, okay, let me show my best side and let me show what I can do online, because I wasn’t doing that before.
Mm-hmm (affirmative). So, would just say it’s very important to build a foundation first, like you are recommending the blueprint? How much of a change has that made in your business ever since you started implementing it, right?
Lina Odea:
I would say it made all the difference in the world. I went from barely getting any deals, maybe one or two a month, to getting five, six, seven, eight deals a month, even more. And that’s just the significant ones. I’m not even counting small little deals like-
What’s the breakdown in a good month?
Lina Odea:
On a good month, I try to do at least three deals a week for my construction. On average, there are about 2,500 on the low end. Sometimes it can be huge deals, but that’s just for small regular fix and flips. So, you try to do three a week, which I pretty much have been hitting consistently. So it’s a really… It’s a great business to have. So, you’re looking at 30, 40,000 a month and just pretty easy deals once you get the applications in.
But that’s an amazing income for a mom of two working from home to generate, right? Usually even couples do not generate that much. It’s an amazing business. Wow, and that’s consistent. That’s the great part. It’s not like once in a blue moon that you’re making like consistently getting the business to 30, 40K a month. That’s- [crosstalk 00:02:13]
Lina Odea:
This was a definitely amazing, Lena. Thanks for sharing this. This has been an amazing interview and I know that people will watch this and they will get the value out of this. And of course, what it comes down to is applying what you’re learning. So, you’re sharing, and this is the power of our community, right? You don’t have to share any of this, but you’re doing that because you believe in our community, you’ve been a successful member, and the market is big enough that this is not going to hurt your business tomorrow or anything like that.
I think it’s another perception that, “Oh, there’s just too much competition.” Well, not really. A lot of people are not really doing what’s supposed to be done in the first place, so they just… I guess it’s just the focusing on the wrong thing, if that’s what you’re doing. So, this is for us to put things in perspective that this is, in my mind, is the best industry to be in. And if you put it into work, it can give you the dividends like you are doing. You can work from home without trying to sell anybody on anything they don’t want to. You’re not telemarketing, cold-calling, building a business. So, being a mother, being a wife, and running your family and have a great life, I think that’s great to have all of that in one place.
Lina Odea:
Yeah. Yeah. It’s a wonderful life. And I think anybody who’s a family person, you want this. And I love being home with my kids, so I love the opportunity to just be here. I can flip my hours around if I need to, but everything works fine, and so take advantage of it. Stick with it to anybody watching. Also, if anybody needs any advice, feel free to message me. I’m pretty active on the group, or you can even write out to me on the wall, whatever. I’m happy to help everyone, but I love reaching out. Anytime I see people ask, I try to jump on it right away and be like- [crosstalk 00:03:55]
Lina Odea:
I love helping. I think good karma comes back to you. I don’t expect anything out of it, but it’s nice to just be like, “Hey, I’m here for you. I want to walk you through it,” because I don’t like to see people fail or quit. It’s such a good business.
But I just want to say that I’m honored to have you in the community. I’m really glad. I love how you’re always happy and chiming in and being positive. I love that. So, thanks for doing this. I know you’re a busy lady. I don’t want to keep you long, but thank you for being who you are and looking forward to your success and let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.
Lina Odea:
Thank you so much, Oguz. I appreciate it. Take care.
All right. Take care now.
Lina Odea:

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