YouTube Video

Start Your Own Business


Oz Konar:
Hey everyone, Oz Ko and RJ with Business Lending Blueprint. I have other valuable guests here. One of the key members of our community, George with me. Hey George, how’s it going?
George Glumac:
I’m fantastic. Thanks for having me.
Oz Konar:
Oh, my pleasure. Definitely great to have you. We’ve been planning to do this for a while now, but we’ve been doing back and forth with our calendars. So finally worked out fine, and I was going through a little bit of a health problem. So George was understanding. George great to have you in the community. So I like to learn a little more about your prior to Business Lending Blueprint. So who are you, what you have been doing, and how do we end up crossing paths? Pretty much?
George Glumac:
Well, I was a retired teacher and got real bored and somehow by God’s grace. One of your videos showed up on my email box. So I listened for well over an hour, and you made total sense. What I most like is there was no hype. The business model was clear and transparent, and I wanted to try it out.
Oz Konar:
Got it. So it was through a YouTube video, I guess, one of the videos.
George Glumac:
Oz Konar:
You watched the webinar and decided to join. So why was it in line with, where you’re looking for something, or you just watch something and it kind of awakened that urge to start a Recession Proof Online Business. How did you get to that point of jumping into this?
George Glumac:
Well, I was doing something else. I was trying to do some marketing, but this model was so attractive and presented so well. I saw the much higher value in pursuing this.
Oz Konar:
Okay. And for anyone who might not have watched the webinar, or might not even know who we are and what we do here. So what part of the model made a lot of sense to you?
George Glumac:
Well, now that I’ve been in it for many months, large parts of it are impressive. The first thing is lending money. It’s a no brainer, in terms of a recession proof model. So that’s the most attractive thing. The second thing is, this is a world class educational platform, the series of modules that you put together, the videotapes, the resources that you provide really amount of business in a box. And if somebody’s willing to work hard enough, it’s an odd thing to say, but they can be as successful as they want to be. They can earn as much money as they want. What people need to be successful are ability, motivation, and opportunity.
George Glumac:
Now, opportunity is what you’re providing, a terrific business model and the tools to put it together. Motivation is about how hungry we are, and how much we really want to do this.
Oz Konar:
George Glumac:
But the ability side is people have to be teachable. You know, they have to want to learn something and do what they’re told to do. Respectfully.
Oz Konar:
George Glumac:
You lay out a lot of the steps. I mean, really there are hundreds of pieces in this puzzle, but it is done so smoothly and gradually, and simply, one step at a time, and they build on each other that virtually anybody can learn how to do this. So, one of the interesting things about the Business Lending Blueprint is we’re helping small businesses by becoming a successful small business ourselves.
Oz Konar:
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
George Glumac:
So we go through all the trials and tribulations of setting up a business and making contacts, but you provide a terrific framework that understand what business loans are all about. We’re given a dozen or more lenders to work with that are vetted and qualified, and we even have qualified people among those lenders to liaise with. So, let me turn this off. So, we have terrific people to work with, and you give us your credibility as we go into the field, because we’ve trained with you, we’ve learned it. And as you said, we know 90 to 95%, we know more than 90 to 95% of other brokers. And it is amazing to be talking to clients, after working through your platform and learning products, how much they appreciate what we have to say.
Oz Konar:
Yeah. 100%.
George Glumac:
In five or 10 minutes, I can listen to someone, understand where they’re coming from, tailor the presentation to their needs. And they’re all very impressed and grateful to get the help.
Oz Konar:
Yeah. So a couple of things on what you said, thank you. First of all, obviously we can create the best platform ever existed, but if someone is not willing to go through and apply what we’re providing, it is going to be useless. And if you remember probably remember in the webinar, one of the first things I say is that if you’re not coachable or trainable, don’t even go any further than that, because I can’t help somebody who is not willing to put into work, right? This is not a get rich quick scheme. You’re not going to join the Blueprint and make a million dollars tomorrow. So this is only for those who are actually looking for something that will transform, and is going to take them from point A to point B, however, they define it. Right? So if, for everybody, that’s different for some, it could be the freedom of time, freedom of location, for others it could be the finance.
Oz Konar:
I don’t know that, it’s a personal decision, right? But once you define what it is, then you got to be okay with following a system. And you’re a great example of that from day one, not only you’ve been in communication with me, but you plug yourself into everything that we offer. You took advantage of support. You’re emailing me and you are on the weekly calls, you still are. You’re a part of the Facebook community. And a lot of people already know you, you became a part of, blended in with the whole community, became a part of this culture, which is so important because if you do it the otherwise, can you still succeed by yourself? Sure. But I think it’s almost like intentionally making it difficult for yourself because your current environment might not support this type of Recession Proof Online Business.
Oz Konar:
Right? So you might, because we all come from a place and unless you’re in a community of all these different business owners who understand what you’re going through, we can’t always rely on other people who are not a part of this. But when you’re in a community, I think it just makes things a lot easier to perform at a level that you started performing, which is really, really important. As far as you said, the lenders, the system, and the help you’re getting from community, when everyone is going through and people are at different stages, right? So you might be going through setting up your website and lead generation, another person might be already be funding deals. It’s kind of a lot of fun to watch the progress of other people. And so you have something to look up to versus you trying to compare yourself to Warren Buffet or Elon Musk, which is great to have, but it is not a one-on-one comparison, right? Until you get to a certain level.
Oz Konar:
I think from that aspect, we have amazing members and you’re one of them. I truly do appreciate it. So another question is you’re from Canada. And when you did join the Blueprint, obviously we offer to build a Recession Proof Online Business either in Canada or United States, but you chose to build your business in the United States, which is interesting. Can you talk a little bit about that?
George Glumac:
Well, from my point of view, it was a no brainer. The US has 10 times the population, virtually the majority of the lenders are in the US, and the exchange rate is a killer. I make a 1 35 or 1 38 on US dollars, that more than pays for my taxes. So it was very easy for me. That’s what I like to emphasize for any potential Canadian students. If they think setting up a US based business is a problem. In fact, I think it’s the other way around. I think it’s easier, apart from that, everybody’s been terrific. And the other important thing I discovered was clients or potential customers, they don’t care where you are, as long as you know what you’re doing.
Oz Konar:
George Glumac:
And you provide value. So as… I just tell them straight up, I’m in Canada, my business, it’s, US-based all my customers and lenders. It’s never been an issue.
Oz Konar:
Never. And it won’t be, we even have members who are from other countries who are still doing this. Right, in the United States.
George Glumac:
Oz Konar:
And so it’s certainly doable. It is a mental block for anyone who thinks that all I got to be, because sometimes I get the questions from nonmembers. Someone is considering, Oh, I’m an Alabama. Can I sell someone in New York City? Right? So, first of all, it’s not about selling somebody. It is providing a need that they have, right. So once you understand that consultative approach, like you said, people appreciate how much our members know, because while there are other option could be a broker from a merchant cash advance company, who’s given a two page script. And no matter what the customer says, they’re going to just reiterate whatever’s on that script versus you have George, who’s actually listening and asking questions, and providing more than just merchant cash advance because yeah, that could be a good product for the right customer, but it could be a very wrong product for the wrong customer.
Oz Konar:
So you can, for the sales rep for the new ISO, who’s just working on their merchant cash advance company, that’s all they have. They don’t have any other products. That’s why I’m from this industry. One of the things that bothered the heck out of me was that, like I walked through these call centers and not the owners would know about different lending options. They would know about equipment leasing, but they’re like eh it’s too complicated, which is… it’s just easier to sell merchant cash advance.
Oz Konar:
And you look at their numbers. They don’t really know their numbers. They’re leaving a lot of money on the table. Since there is revenue coming through, they think it is equivalent to cash, but they’re bleeding on the backend. So when I noticed that, Hey, these people have a broken system. Yeah. They’re selling something. They all admire this Wolf of Wall Street mentality, like sell, sell, sell, boiler room. But that model is very broken. And once we switched to this consultative approach, first of all, you don’t need a massive team. Second of all, you don’t need to be feeling bad about what you’re doing every single morning. You don’t need like 10 shots of espresso, so you actually can talk to people. You don’t need the hardcore motivation because you actually do enjoy what you’re doing.
George Glumac:
It’s amazing. You know, I never realized, until I met you, that business is based on relationships.
Oz Konar:
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
George Glumac:
The consultative model is basically listening and providing a tailored solution. People love it. And if we can provide the reasons, the pros and cons for various loan suggestions, they like that. One thing I want to emphasize to people considering the program is the real product here, it’s not the loan. The real product is the broker, we’ve become professional, we trained in an ethical model, we’re providing real values to solve real problems. And if we care enough to listen, by providing that service and that empathy, we’re going to make a living and you’re right, the best part of this business is listening to people, finding out these terrific ideas they’ve got for startups or growing their companies, and being able to help them to accomplish their dreams. It is so complex and challenging and fulfilling.
Oz Konar:
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
George Glumac:
I had no idea, a business could be a calling and, I really appreciate this opportunity.
Oz Konar:
Oh yeah. Definitely. My pleasure. I’m glad that you found it and not only you found it, you’ve worked on it to succeed. Like you said, businesses, it’s funny how people think that by talking to a business that you would never talk to, like you’re talking to another friend, you would be able to close deals… When I’m talking to you, this is very casual. Right? But these guys, these people, they give their sales reps a script and they act like totally different inhumane way. And they think that they can still get the business and thrive that way. And they say, well, the model works. Right? So I’ve been in battle with those companies saying that, Hey, the model, you think that it works. But at the end for longevity, no company has been in existence for 50 years with that model, unless they build a good culture and they’re known for something.
Oz Konar:
And this goes to Nike, Coca-Cola, think of all the big brands, right? There are known, you might not consume their products, but they’ve existed. Not because they’re better salespeople, because they stand behind something. Right? So you got to kind of think yourself that way and position yourself as the expert. Another question I get quite a bit is, Hey, how would we be able to convince a client to work with us when they can go to any of the big guys? Like you said, well, that’s the exact value that we’re bringing to the table they’re buying because of you not because who the lenders are, what products, small businesses are just like the people, like your father, your mother, your sister they’re other human beings. They’re not different than you and I, they like to be cared for.
Oz Konar:
They don’t like to be taken advantage of. They like to build relationships. So I don’t know why we’re building this barrier and acting as if the small business is like totally different creature and they need to be treated differently. So when you just act normal and listen to somebody, they kind of tell you what you need to do in order to get the sale, if you want to use that term. But that’s one of the things that I learned from my mentors. And he said, yeah, it’s true, obviously you need to ask certain questions to prompt a good response. But at the end, if you’re listening carefully, someone tells you exactly what you need to do in order for them to work with you. That stuck with me for a long time, because then by asking the right questions, person at the end says, listen, man, I like to do this, but here is how I like to do it.
Oz Konar:
Can you do that for me? They open up.
George Glumac:
Oz Konar:
But, if you’re pressuring well, when I’m pushing you, you push me back. Then we’re not going anywhere. Right? So that’s really important that you noticed that early on. And ever since then, you’ve been following this consultative model and you started funding deals, which is awesome. And you’re building a US based business in Canada. I know you’re really busy. Anything else that we haven’t touched on? So we wanted to, I wanted to do this interview a little different than our usual models, right? So, because you are really deep into the philosophical part of how the business works, you really think a lot about it, you’re sending me codes and book recommendations and articles. So I wanted to bring on someone like yourself, who understands the mentality behind why this works not, yes, it works. You can make five, 10, 20, 30 grand, and we have people who are making a hundred grand, 200 grand a month. That’s all fine. But I think if someone doesn’t acknowledge why it works, it’s going to be very difficult for them to succeed. What are your thoughts on that?
George Glumac:
Well, I like the word you used earlier, culture, you develop a culture of caring in the community. So for example, the weekly calls that you host, plus the access to the Facebook page that the whole community uses, people are actively helping each other all the time. Many members have become experts in different niches and are more than happy to share their time and their expertise with everybody on the platform. So along with the caring, of course, is competence. You’re an expert in the field. You’ve developed the perfect system of education. And, we have our own mentor. We have a leader, who models the values that he has built into the program. So, that was that initial attraction in that first video was, here’s an impressive person who thinks clearly, acts clearly, is presenting value, and I want to jump on that boat.
George Glumac:
And I have had no disappointment. It’s very odd, from the beginning, I had no doubt this was going to be successful. That’s what got me through the tough times. You know, all the inevitable problems, the headaches, you have setting up your business and starting to connect, and the disappointments, and frustrations, that’s all part of the learning.
Oz Konar:
George Glumac:
And solving your own problems. You can help people solve their problems. But, you’ve been a consistent voice, always encouraging, never critical, always supportive, and that tone carries throughout the community. So, for me, the core foundation of BLB is empathy and competence and collaboration, and that’s, what’s going to help us expand our businesses as much as we want. You know, this is a golden opportunity for people. If they see the value at the outset and they’re prepared to work hard.
Oz Konar:
A hundred percent, yes. Without hard work, we’re not going to get, not going to reap the benefits. But you’ve got to decide where are you going to put that hard work towards, right. We can work hard going the wrong direction.
George Glumac:
Well, that’s the beauty of the teaching framework. You know, everything is step by step. Everything is laid out. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to be successful. You just have to care enough to take the instruction seriously, do what you’re, it’s suggested you do, and learn as you go along. I don’t know of any other program that is as transparent, successful, clear, and guaranteed to work.
Oz Konar:
Wow. That’s fantastic, man. Thank you so much for your kind words. It’s great to have you. I don’t want to take a lot of your time when you’re running a successful business. That’s awesome. I’m honored to have you in the community and looking forward to a lifelong relationship that’s for sure.
George Glumac:
Oz, I appreciate you.
Oz Konar:
My pleasure. Take care now, George.
George Glumac:
Thank you.

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