Adam wanted to build a seven figure business. He didn’t want to just make five grand, 10 grand, 20 grand per month. He wanted to be in the seven figure club, making millions of dollars and his mind was set up and he was a good fit for that program. When he joined back then, you didn’t even fund any deals.


Start Your Own Business


Hey everyone, Oz here. I’m with another member of my community. So, Adam and I have been on the phone for like, I don’t know, how long have we been talking Adam? Like 40 minutes or so? 30, 40 minutes?
Yeah, yeah. Close to it.
Yeah. We’ve been talking about his business, so for those of you who might not know, there are two levels to my training community. Most of you are aware of the BLB, what we call the Business Lending Blueprint, but [inaudible 00:00:23] those like Adam who want to work with me one on one basis, like the one that we’re doing right now is called a seven figure because Adam, when he joined my community, he was pretty decisive on what do he wanted to accomplish. You wanted to build a seven figure business. He didn’t want to just make five grand, 10 grand, 20 grand per month. He wanted to be in the seven figure club, making millions of dollars and his mind was set up and he was a good fit for that program. When he joined back then, you didn’t even fund any deals, Adam? Right? When you joined the seven figure you just went straight from Business Lending Blueprint, right?
Yeah, so then we’ve been working with them, I would say probably three months now Adam, right?
Oh yeah. At least three months. I remember it was maybe the end of August, early September.
Okay. So it’s been more than that. So yeah, that’s like five months maybe. Awesome, and things are crazy right now, right? We’re just talking about, I don’t even know how we’re going to wrap up this interview. There’s just a lot going on, but I wanted to bring him on because we do a lot of interviews with our members and we have a couple of key members who already broke into the seven figure area and Adam in a matter of a couple of months will be joining the ranks of those people with what he has going on, he just has a lot going on right now. But Adam, for the community who might not know you, just give us a little bit about yourself and tell us about yourself?
Yeah, yeah. So my name is Adam I’m from Jackson, Mississippi, and business wise I’ve done several different ventures. I’ve sold cars, I’ve sold mattresses, started an online DropShip and E-commerce business. Let’s see, what else…I’ve done several different things and then was just looking for a good vehicle to get into and that’s how I got connected with Oz, was through an ad and really liked the business model. Saw it as a great way to earn a living, and so I got connected and since then it’s been really neat. Very glad I did.
That’s awesome news. When I remember one of our first conversations and you were like, “Hey man Oz, I’m already running a mattress business and I’m doing okay. I’m doing four or five K per month cleaner.” And you’re like, “Listen, that’s all fine and nice. But I don’t see the future of this being a seven figure business.” There’s a lot of limitations when you have a geography based business, right? Because when you’re selling mattresses to a certain location, you’re not going to sell the same person 10 mattresses. There’s a finite amount of people who can buy it. So you’re pushing that upper limit and you’re a smart guy. You notice that, but there’s a ceiling that I’m going to hit. So what do I do? And you tried different ventures and you thought this would be the best vehicle. And I think so far you would agree that it provided to be the best vehicle out of all the things that you tried, right?
Yeah. Yeah. I mean the commissions are phenomenal. So, you’re able to leverage your time so much better versus different commissions, different products that you sell with margins. I mean, the average deal on a cash expenses usually one or two K.
We have a couple of seven figure members, but with you the core of our conversation usually revolves around you trying to make the most out of your time. You have a very sensitive sense of urgency when it comes to how you use your time and you’re in your 20s and you’ve already figured out that that is the most expensive commodity that you have, right? So whenever I talk to you, you’re always like, “Dude, I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to spend my time on this, I need to spend my time on automation and growing the business and things like that.” So what do you think about that? Because a lot of people lack that. They want to waste their time on things [inaudible 00:04:35] an ROI, let alone grow a company. Where do you think that’s coming from? When do you think you first acknowledged that skill that you have?
With wanting to get the highest and best use of my time would mainly be just my financial ambitions. I want to do very well financially and the only way you can do that is through leveraging your time on other people’s time. Outsourcing to where you can really just get bigger, you can only do so much by yourself.
Correct. I think that’s the recipe for failure, making really too big of a deal of yourself and thinking that if something needs to be done, I got to do it myself. I know you don’t buy into that because from day one your progress has been really, really interesting because when I first met you, I thought you had a scattered mind. Like I was just talking to you and you want to do so many things. I’d be like, “Dude, slow down.” And then next fall I’ve found that you’ve done all of the things that we’ve talked about already, within a week I’m like, “Holy cow, this is an interesting case.” So your mind works a little differently because of that habit, that someone planted that seed in you, I guess at some point when you were younger, that your time is really, really important and you got to leverage that as much as possible through buying other people’s times.
And as you know that doesn’t have to do much with having access to money, right? So it’s not like you got all this money that you could just give it away to fee people to have them work for you. You get resourceful and you’re really good at that. And in a relatively short amount of time, like in the beginning of the conversation you were going through some numbers and if you are okay with that, I want to share that with the community? So within the past 30 days or so, you hired four salespeople and in the last three months your total revenue went over $300,000 right?
Yeah. So, that’s more than $100,000 a month. And if we multiplied against the entire year, that’s more than $1 million in revenue. So you’re definitely way above the pace of breaking $1 million in revenue in business. And this is all happening within the past 30 to 45 days. And when you first joined, you didn’t know anything about this industry. You were the mattress guy with a good skill on marketing, so you knew how to do marketing but for you selling mattresses, cars, or E-comm. The product didn’t really matter, you were like, “All right, so I need a vehicle to make this work, because I’m going to the seven figure club.” So while today I see that you’re already going there, that’s no problem at all, but you had some key milestones along the way. I think it was two weeks ago, it was one of the notes you put in the email, the employment the that you’re booking with me for a one on one session. In one day you generated the highest amount of revenue that you ever did. How much was the amount?
45K, one day.
In one day, $45,000. That’s massive. Which comes down to doing what’s best for the customers, right? So you caught on the pattern really, really fast when you’re talking to these people. Yeah, they want money, but a lot of the times they might not even know what to do with the money. They just want it. You kind of seen that pattern and you wanted to add some kind of educational element to it that would combine the whole thing and make it a big picture because that’s learning as you go.
The consultative approach, because you’re not a hard closer, but at the same time, in a matter of three months you went over $300,000 in sales. I think you’re almost a perfect example that I’m trying to convey to anyone who might not be even from this industry, because a lot of times I get the questions such as, “Oh, I don’t have experience in the industry or I haven’t sold anything in my life, blah, blah, blah.” Would you say that you don’t really need to have those skills built up in order to accomplish something like what you’re doing?
No, no. The sales skills…and also the product that we’re selling and the fact that we’re selling money, it kind of sells itself. You don’t have to be extremely versed in sales. When I initially started doing this, I had studied and learned for so long before I actually started taking action and taking the calls and getting in there and seeing how the conversations were going. And the biggest takeaway that I had was man, I should’ve just started doing this earlier versus getting so overwhelmed with, “Oh, I’ve got to know all this stuff.” To me, I feel like I could take almost anybody and give them a 15 minute descriptive. I mean of course you want to know about the products and you want to take some time to learn all that stuff, but then once you have a decent understanding of what it is you’re doing, actually doing loan broker deals, it doesn’t take a very high level of salesmanship.
Not at all. Because like you said, you’re selling the sexiest product on earth, which is money, right? So the person who’s really interested. Yeah, is it good to have sales skills? Sure. But we’re not talking about telemarketing, cold calling or anything like that. If you set up your marketing funnel, which you’d done a great job doing it the right way, people who come through that funnel, they already know what’s going on. They want to talk to someone to get the funding and all you’re doing is just give them the idea, plant the right seeds, ask the right questions and that’s pretty much all you have to do as far as the sales is concerned. So anyone who thinks that, “Well I don’t have the skill, I don’t have that skill.” I have Adam here, literally joined both the blueprint and the seven figure without having sold anything in this industry.
He was selling mattresses and within literally a couple of months he built this seven figure company. And for him, as far as I think I know him really well at this point, this is just the beginning for him. This is cool, but I know that this is not satisfying to him. He’s going to do way more than that. I’m not going to disclose all the things that we’ve talked about obviously, but he has massive plants and roll outs and things like that. That’s why I asked him like, “What’s the plan dude? What are you trying to accomplish?” Because like you said, I know that we had one or two calls that you were focusing so much on the sales part. And we said, we’ve got to stop that. We’ve just got to go ahead and just do it. Talk the people, they’re just like you and I, they’re not different. They’re not from another planet. We just talk to them and they tell you what need and you supply the need they have. And that’s pretty much it.
Exactly. Yeah. The thing that I really love about the whole financial space in this industry is the demand. The demand is so huge that, I’m a real estate agent too. I’ve been in a lot of different vehicles so to speak, and one of the things, like I said, that I really love about this space is that the demand is there. And there’s one thing that I heard you say that there’s two different types of demands, there’s a met demand and then there’s an unmet demand and definitely in this space there’s a huge demand and it’s also unmet. So it just makes doing it a lot funner.
Oh, 100%. So, obviously you’ve been a part of the community so far. What would you say about the community that we have, because you are one of our quieter members, so in our community, not many people actually know you because you’re not really active on Facebook. You just do your own thing and you spend your time. For somebody who’s not a member yet, maybe they’re considering or they’re trying to see if this is the right industry for them. What would you recommend to them?
For somebody wanting to join the program or join the seven figure?
Both. Either or because, they can’t really join the seven figure without the BLP yet.
Got you, got you. Yeah, the program is amazing. I still go back through it today, I went through it yesterday. I go through it every couple of days. There’s some little piece of information that I’ll go back and watch over again. But it’s literally got everything in there. I’ve bought a lot of different courses.
I know you did. Yeah. I wanted to ask you that because you’re like me, I buy a lot of courses too. That’s why someone who bought different courses can do a clear comparison. That’s why I wanted to know your opinion on that?
Yeah. Yeah. Course creator is phenomenal because I’ve bought so many courses that for the money I spent, I thought they were good. But now having the comparison I’m like, “Man, I spent all that money on that?” You know what I mean? Just because I’ve got different references. But yeah, the course is phenomenal. It’s got everything. It’s got everything you need to do what you need to do.
Awesome. And I haven’t asked this question to you before ever since you joined a seven figure. So, seven figure obviously is different than the BLP, so there’s a different dynamic to it. Do you think it was worth your time and your resources to join the seven figure? What kind of benefits did you think you got out of that?
Oh yeah, of course. Well the main thing is having access to you is just fast tracked, a lot of questions. I mean you go through a course and then you can come up with questions. You can go down the wrong path if you don’t get some clarity. But the main thing is questions that arise, immediately being able to get understanding and clarity on what problems would happen, right away. So when problems come up, boom. You have access to you? Solve it, done. Go on to the next one, and just that ongoing access that I’ve had to you over the past few months. I’ve been able to move very quickly, put it that way.
Yeah, because a lot of things that you had to deal with, if we did not cater to them fast enough that could have taken you to the wrong way you, you would have found your way back again. But like we said earlier, time is the most important asset. So if you’re losing three months, you can’t buy that back, right?. So you need to be able to make decisions fast and hopefully making the right decisions fast.
Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. The seven figure program was money very well spent, put it that way. Because the speed at which I was able to address issues, and I’m still doing to this day.
Yeah, you are. So this was actually one of our meetings and we decided to do this after that. Hey man, I really do appreciate it. I do have a live meeting starting, and you have a 3:30 so I’ll let you go. But I appreciate you being in the community, and I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re growing beyond imagination. You imagined that for sure. You came with that intention anyways, so it’s not a surprise to you. It’s not a surprise to me anymore. So we’ll definitely see you at the eight figure club, but awesome job. I’m very, very proud of you and I’m honored to know you.
Yeah, yeah. Definitely. It’s been great and I’m looking forward to it. I’m excited to keep on rocking and rolling and see what 2020 has got in store.
Yeah, man. You’ll do that for sure. Take care, buddy. Talk to you later.
Sounds good. Have a good one.
You too. Bye bye.

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