Samuel Guerrero
Once you join, you have access to the community on Facebook and you also get to enjoy a weekly call with Oz. If you have any questions about what’s going on with your business at any particular time or you feel stuck, this is a time where you can reach out and get your questions answered.
Hello, my name is Sam Guerrero and I am currently a student of Oz’s merchant cash advance blueprint student. And I just wanted to shoot a quick video to share my experience so far with the training. I recently joined the blueprint as a result of a webinar that he was hosting and found it very informative and found that it rang true with some of the things he was talking about, and I decided to check it out.
I got involved, I found a way to actually come up with the cash to make two payments in the program, knowing full well that he was offering a 30 day money back guarantee. I was not going in with the intention of sort of trying it out and see what happens. I was convinced that this is something that I needed to get involved with.
It rang true for me as I found this to be a legitimate business opportunity where you actually built a full realistic business and you’re not being sold fantasies. So I got involved and I have gone through the training, and I got to tell you that it’s very well put together. It is something where it covers very detailed instructions. It covers six modules which were very well put together, and I am having a great time within the community as well.
Once you join, you have access to the community on Facebook and you also get to enjoy a weekly call with Oz. If you have any questions about what’s going on with your business at any particular time or you feel stuck, this is a time where you can reach out and get your questions answered.
I have recently started getting involved with some of the funding partners that Oz recommends. It has been a wonderful experience and I can’t say that I regret getting involved. It has been a very positive experience for me. I feel that as I progress, as time progresses, I feel confident and comfortable that I too will be a success.
If you happen to be on the fence, I don’t blame you, but as you look at the roster of monster success stories that this particular blueprint has generated, it’s really easy to want to check this out and get involved now. I highly recommend that you do. You have nothing to lose. I believe that Oz has a 30 day money back guarantee. If you do decide to try it, give it your all going full in, and I hopefully look forward to seeing and meeting a lot of you guys inside the community. Thanks so much. See you on the inside.