Kashi Shirvani




I joined the Blueprint because I wanted to make more money. I am able to relate to the content and lifestyle of this program on a personal level.

Hi everyone, my name is Kashi Shirvani. I am currently a member of Oz’s Blueprint program. I wanted to shoot a video and share my experience with the program so far. I joined the Blueprint program because I mainly wanted to make more money and hopefully have my own business, in the future. So, the sole reason for me joining the program was to be able to make more money. And I have looked into a lot of other programs and a lot of other things that are offered through web, through Craigslist, through YouTube, but Oz’s program was the one that I could really relate to, and it really got me into this. And the program, itself, is very detailed and also, you can relate to on a personal level. As an example, in module one, Oz goes into detail, in explaining to you what merchant cash advance is, but at the same time, he’s explaining to you about the potential lifestyle, and that has really got me thinking, recently, about my current lifestyle and what the potential lifestyle could be, or could I have, in future. And I’m thinking about it constantly, I tell you, every day, about this issue. And it’s just fascinating.

So, for those of you who are on the fence, who are undecided about joining the program, I tell you what, just watch a couple of videos that are interviews of a few members of the community who have had challenges and difficulties, and then now, they’re successful. At some point, I promise you, that you can relate to these videos, to these experiences, to these challenges, on a personal level. For me, I think I watched two or three videos, and I could relate a lot, to the challenges that those folks have gone through and the challenges that I have, in my own life. So, these are real people, real video, real challenges, and real success, and I’m super excited about the Blueprint version two that is coming, and I thank you all for watching.

Kashi Shirvani

Josh McCanless




This is a very powerful system with a lot of moving parts. I wanted to quit doing letters and replace my income this has allowed me to do that and then some.

Hey guys, my name is Josh McCanless. Welcome to the group. If you bought, if you haven’t bought. I don’t know what you’re waiting for. I’m currently a member of Oz’s Blueprint Group. I wanted to shoot this video to let you guys know that this is a very powerful system. There’s a lot of different moving parts. There’s a lot of different niches that you can get into. So, as you go through the first module, you’re going to see lifestyle versus business. Once you get there, you’ll understand.

There is the potential to do what you want to do. I’ve bought a lot of programs. I’ve bought a lot of programs, and I haven’t received the amount of training from those programs. I haven’t received the level of training from those programs as much I as I have in this program that Oz has given us. I wanted to quit doing letters, and wanting to do and replace my income. This has allowed me to do that, and then some. I’m so excited.

If you are on the fence, if you thought about doing alternative lending, if you thought doing anything that is in that field, this particular program, this is the one to do. This is the community to join. This is the place to be. So, I say wholeheartedly, get it. Buy this system. I look forward to connecting with you. Have fun. Man, I’ll see you on the other side.

Josh McCanless

Jim Demonbreun




I was looking to work at a Merchant Cash Advance company but during research I found Oz’s program and discovered I can start my own business instead. This program is in depth and teaches the marketing skill that I need to succeed.

Hi, my name is Jim Demonbreun. I’m a member of Oz’s Success Blueprint. I haven’t finished working on the name, yet. I’m working on that. I haven’t finished my name yet. And I just wanted to shoot this video to tell you why I joined the group. I was looking at merchant cash advance and looking to go to work with a company. And when I found Oz’s training, and I sort of researched it and looked into it and found out what kind of a person he is and realized that this is in depth, and I can start my own business, any business, instead of working for somebody else, and that this would save me so much time in learning the business. Not only that, but especially the marketing skill and the marketing strategy, which I really needed help with.

So yeah, I’ve only gone through a couple modules so far, so I’m really getting started. But I’m just amazed at the content that’s in there, and the detail. So that’s really what I need.

Now, if I … And also, I’m a member of the Facebook group, the community, the Facebook community for the Success Blueprint. And I’m just impressed at the level of caring of people in the group have for each other and want to help each other. Now, if I know anybody that’s looking to start their own business, and especially in a lending business, business lending, I would tell them, “Hey, check out Oz’s course. This training is awesome. You owe it to yourself. You’ll appreciate the amount of detail, the integrity of this program. That’s just the way to go.”

Jim Demonbreun

Jeffrey Walker




And so through the training, not only was I able to understand the fundamentals of the industry, but I was also able to learn some incredible marketing skills.

Hey guys, Jeffrey Walker, founder and CEO of Walgatti, located here in Houston, Texas. I wanted to come on here and do a quick video testimonial for the Merchant Cash Advance success Blueprint that my good friend Oz has created. I invested into this course about nine months ago. For the first three months, I was putting my business together. I was also learning credit repair. So, it took me a couple few months to get the foundation laid. I was not in a hurry, but I started going through Oz’s training and I was able to, I didn’t know anything about merchant cash advances. I knew they existed, but I didn’t really understand what they were. And so through the training, not only was I able to understand the fundamentals of the industry, but I was also able to learn some incredible marketing skills. Now, this is not a platform for cold calling or dialing two or 300 numbers a day.

This is for what I like to refer to as permission based marketing. You’re naturally reaching out to people. You have a sequence of messages and things that you should say and based on their response, they’re going to give you permission to go ahead and let you let them know about your services that you offer. And so, this is a really awesome way to be able to use technology and leverage to your benefit.

Now as I wrap up this video testimonial, I will tell you this guys. In my opinion, the training is great, but the community is, it’s worth the investment in and of itself. The connection you’re going to be able to make, the relationships you’re going to be able to build, and the people that are willing to help you, it’s priceless guys. It truly is. And so, I’ve always said Oz’s training is great, but the community guys, the community that he’s put together is pretty impressive. That’s how good it is. So, whether you’re brand new to the industry or you’re a veteran, this is certainly a training and a community that you want to find yourself a part of. Certainly hope to see you a part of the group. And see your success. Again. My name is Jeffrey Walker, founder and CEO of Walgatti. Take care.

Jeffrey Walker

Jason Cunningham


LOCATION: Vancouver, Canada


Alternative lending is becoming huge in Canada so I wanted to join because I trusted in what Oz said. I work full time so I wanted the opportunity to make some great income and work remotely.

Hey, Jason Cunningham here from Vancouver, Canada and I’m currently a member of Oz’s Blueprint program. I wanted to shoot a quick video to share my experience with the Blueprints so far. I decided to actually join the Blueprint because I believe in what Oz was saying with regards to the industry. I love the trend that this industry is going and especially in my country, Canada, we’re definitely really far behind when it comes to when you compare it to the states. But yeah, alternative lending is becoming huge in Canada and as soon as I went online to look for how to sell merchant cash advance Oz and his videos popped up. I signed up for his free webinar and loved what he had to say. Personally, I work a full time job Monday to Friday, plus I had a job on Saturday and I’ve got a wife, two small kids. Life is busy and I want the ability to make a great income, but also work remotely and I know that this is a fantastic opportunity to do that.

I’m about 70% of the way through the program now. I’ve gotten a majority of my online presence set up. I’m really just excited to flip the switch on and actually started reaching out to business owners and generating leads. But yeah, for anybody who is on the fence about joining, I mean, what do you got to lose? The guy provides a guarantee for the program. If worse comes to worse and you do need to cancel, I mean, that guarantee is there. But I also think, I mean, what else are you going to do? This is in my experience, a fantastic industry. The need is there. Conventional banks and lenders and credit unions just aren’t … They’re tightfisted. They’re not really letting the money go for the business owners and we provide a valuable service to business owners. So they get to win. The lenders get to win by getting to add assets to their books and us as brokers, we get to earn a fantastic commission. So I mean, there’s definitely value in the program, in the industry and in our role. And I think if you’re on the fence, I mean, what do you got to lose?

Put a good, sincere effort into it. Follow what Oz is teaching in the program and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at what kind of success you have. So again, Jason Cunningham here, and thanks for watching. I wish you all the best.

Jason Cunningham

Glenn Matchett




I joined this program so I could make $15000 and up a month. I believe in this program because all businesses need financing today and its pretty hard to get financing. I have seen a lot of programs over the years but nothing compares to this.

Good afternoon. My name is Glenn Matchett and my business’s name is System One Financial Services, LLC. And I’m currently a member of Oz’s Blueprint Program and I wanted to shoot this video to share my experience of the Blueprint so far.

I wanted to join this program so I could make 15,000 and up per month. I’ve been working a regular job up until now. I’ve gone over the program and I have to do it more. I believe in this program because all businesses require a lot of financing and right today, it’s pretty hard to get any financing for businesses. As I say, I haven’t worked the program because I’m working a regular job, but I’m going to be finished here in probably a month or so.

Anybody considering joining the program from what I have seen so far, has been, from what I’ve seen has got a lot of good material. I’ve looked at a lot of stuff over the years and it really doesn’t compare to this. So, if you’re considering joining this program, then it’s probably a good investment. So, thanks and have a great day.

Glenn Matchett

Glenn Harper




All the information in the program has been extremely useful. The main thing is putting it into practice and you will definitely succeed.

My name is Glenn Harper and my company name is Harper’s No Cap All In One Funding and I am currently a member of Oz’s Blueprint Program and have been for awhile. I am shooting this video to share the experience with the Blueprint so far.

Basically it’s been great. All the information in it has been extremely useful. The main thing is putting it into practice and you will definitely succeed. I decided to join the group originally because I wanted to make more money and I wanted to grow my business. I really wanted to help people to get the money that they really needed for their business. That’s one of the biggest reasons why I joined the Blueprint originally and also to expand my business and do what I want it to be later.

My experience so far with the program has been great. There’s a lot of amazing things within the program as long as it’s put to good use and following everything step by step and then of course asking questions and hopefully getting your questions answered, and if not, just keep trying.

If you are on the fence about joining, I would definitely say do it. It’s definitely worth the cost, the time and the effort you put into it. Just because anything else, Oz has been great in his support and answering questions. Even when I got on the phone with him, he was awesome. So definitely, if you feel like you want to succeed, go for it.

Glenn Harper

John Ferguson




I had called my CPA to ask if he had any clients that needed funding a few days later he sent me a client that I placed a $180,000 MCA for and got a $16,000 commission. That client led to 2 others 1 with $6,000 commission and the other $9,000. I am going to use Oz’s program as a foundation for growing my business.

Hi. My name’s John Ferguson. My company name is Working Capital Source LLC. and I’ve been a member of Oz’s blueprint program since December 2018. Unfortunately, about half way through the module, my wife suddenly passed away and I had other priorities and I’m just now getting back in to finishing the modules. And I had saw Oz’s new email that said he has a new and updated blueprint program which I’m very excited, very timely for me.

Prior to that, I had called a CPA that I know and asked him if he knew anything about the MCA programs or loans and did he have any clients? And he said he would look and he called me back a couple days later and said he did have one. I worked with that client and placed a $180,000 MCA for him and made a $16,000 commission. It lead to two other leads from that one person. One was a $6,000 commission. One was a $9,000 commission.

I was astounded how cleanly and quickly we could place the MCA loans compared to the commercial loans that I had dealt, commercial real estate loans, that

I had dealt with which are complex and time consuming. This was easy.

I’m in the process now of starting and rebuilding my business. And I’m going to use Oz’s program as a foundation. Once you have a small business clientele, they need future products, which is an additional income. But more importantly, as you solve their problems, they’re happy to refer you and they’re a golden source of leads.

I plan to build my business using Oz’s system and with a long term, solid, sustainable income.

John Ferguson

Ernesto Bent




I currently work within the industry and I had invested in other course but Oz’s program has the best value to try to learn the business and grow the business.

And I own Versara Financial. And currently I am a member of Oz’s Blueprint Program. And I want to shoot this video to let you have a little bit of my experience with the program thus so far.

The reason why I decided to join the Blueprint Program was because I currently do the business. I’ve been doing it for about a year and a half, two year now. And I have invested in other programs that have been a lot more expensive than Oz’s program. It’s by far the best value as far as trying to get into the business, trying to learn the business, trying to grow your business.

It gets you anywhere from learning how to set up a business to getting your first client, different lenders to use, the types of programs, products out there. That’s going to blow your mind. And so if you’re on the fence about getting this program, don’t, jump into it, you definitely won’t regret it. And I guarantee you, you will learn a lot about the business and go ahead and move forward.

I just wanted to shoot this quick video to let you know my experience with the program thus so far. And I’m happy to be a part of it and I’m learning so much. I just found a program also from the Facebook group. They have so much support from other people that have been doing this for years, that have experience, and everybody’s there to support each other. That’s one thing that I do love about the program as well. There’s definitely support that I get from Oz and from the Facebook group.

If you want to hop on a call with me, let me know. If you want to talk about it. But I definitely guarantee that you’ll be successful with this program. Thank you.

Ernesto Bent

Eriq Cunningham




I have been a part of Oz’s program now for the last four months and he has a very extensive program as far as alternative business funding. I have nothing but great things to say about Oz’s program.

Hey guys, my name is Eriq Cunningham and I’m just actually outside of my home right now shooting this short video for Oz Konar’s Merchant Cash Success Blueprint. I am the sole proprietor/broker with Ascension Funding Partners and I have a part of Oz’s program now for the last four months or so and I must say, he has a very extensive program as far as alternative small business funding. If you’re interested in that type of opportunity to go out and help small businesses to obtain financing for expanding their business, whether it’s to purchase equipment or some type of maybe refinancing a current loan product that they may already have, or just getting a short term business cap funding, like a merchant cash advance.

There’s over 40 pre-recorded videos within the program and the videos are very thorough, which explain exactly what these products are that you would be marketing to your potential clients and along with that, Oz also hosts a Thursday call in session for all of us to come in and ask questions about the different products and Oz also gives out little tips and hacks as far as getting much more out of the program, as well as any types of industry updates that he may have come across.

So as far that concern, I have nothing but great things to say about the program. Oz is always looking to step things up as far as updating his product, keeping his product updated with everything that’s going on in this industry, which is great for us because we’re always learning. There’s also, as well as this, as a supplement, you have several people within this group who have many years of experience who are more than willing to speak with you if you have any questions about a particular aspect of the business or if you just want to get some further information about a particular aspect of the business.
If you’re at all considering getting involved in this industry, I highly recommend that you do it. I’m not saying this just because I may get some type of affiliate commission or anything, I’m just… Think that you should really consider it. So anyway, I’m just going to cut this short from here. Hope you all have a great day and look forward to meeting you all if you decide to get involved with Oz’s program. Thank you.

Eriq Cunningham