Steven Castillo




So I decided to quit my job and do this full time. I’ve been doing it now for about two weeks now. I do have a fund, excuse me, a deal in the process.

Hey, guys, good morning. My name is Steven Castillo, with Gift Stone Capital. I’m currently a member. Just signed up a couple of weeks ago, putting the system together still. Extremely excited. One of the reasons why I decided to join was because I was working with a merchant cash advance company and I saw that I was doing most of the heavy lifting. Making the phone calls, making all the contacts with the merchants, and then getting only a small percentage of the commission checks. So I decided to quit my job and do this full time. I’ve been doing it now for about two weeks now. I do have a fund, excuse me, a deal in the process. The companies that you have teamed up with have been extremely, extremely helpful, very positive, very informative, very outgoing and I’m super excited. Super excited.

What I would tell anyone that is on the fence about joining your program is, “Believe in yourself.” Take the leap and put in the hard work and you will be successful. Thanks for everything, Oz. All the best.

Steven Castillo

Steve Johnson




I was looking to add to my current income from the real estate industry and just looking for another revenue stream.

Hi my name is Steve Johnson. The name of my business is ZipCash 24. I’m currently a member of Oz’s blueprint program. It’s been pretty good so far, pretty informative. I’ve talked to Oz personally on the phone, he’s answered all my questions. I was looking to add to my current income from the real estate industry and just looking for another revenue stream. Haven’t done my first deal yet, but I’m getting real close to doing so. Looking forward to a new industry.

Steve Johnson

Steve Breeding




The reliability or the credibility of the individuals presented in the videos struck true to me, and helped in making my decision.

Hi, this is Steve Breeding with Keysource Funding, and a current member and student of Oz’s blueprint program. I’m a little self conscious of creating a video like this since I’ve never done one for a program, or a product, or seminar, or anything like this, but the confidence and the commitment that I have for this program is what provides the courage for me to step out of my comfort zone and provide my experience so far with Business Lending Blueprint. As you can tell, I have some notes in front of me in hopes of keeping me on target, providing some information in a clear manner, in a brief amount of time. Other than the obvious reason of generating significant income, what is my why with Business Lending Blueprint? The generated income will help provide funds and time for me to promote and grow a nonprofit I created several years ago in memory of my daughter, Deputy Sheriff Catherine Breeding.

I also have invited my sister to work with me in establishing Keysource Funding, and this will be a vehicle that will help her in the planning and generating of retirement income for her. At the time of this recording, I have gotten through the first two modules. Though I had hoped to be further along, I have run into a couple of hurdles, but I’m not discouraged by that. I’m actually more encouraged about the possibilities provided by the program. I’m looking forward to completing the course as quickly as possible, but at the same time appreciate that I’m able to advance at the pace I need to in the event that something comes up. Before joining, I had concerns, “Is this a scam? Can I trust this guy?”

“Will it really produce the way he says that it will?” I probably took a little longer than I should have in my due diligence, but I took the time that I needed to make the decision for myself, and when I made a decision it was mine, I wasn’t pressured into it, and it was made with confidence. The reliability or the credibility of the individuals presented in the videos struck true to me, and helped in making my decision, which is one of my reasons for making my video because I know you can tell I don’t do this for a living. I have not regretted at all enrolling. If I have any regrets, it’s my inability to advance maybe a little bit quicker than I had anticipated or wanted to, but it’s not a poor reflection on Business Lending Blueprint, again, a testament that they allow you to move at the pace that your life dictates.

In closing, I would say do your due diligence, maybe not as long as I did, but I think you will find a high level of credibility with the program, with Oz and with his team, and I wish you the very best success.

Steve Breeding

Shawn Reid




This is an opportunity. Right now, no matter what’s going on with this industry whether it’s down or up or whatever you have an opportunity right now to put your financial freedom in your hands.

Hey guys, what’s going on? My name is Shawn Reid. My company’s name is Capital Relief Financial. I am definitely a member of the Blueprint Program. My experience in this program has been great. The reason why I say this is because it’s very rare where you join an industry, and there’s so many people willing to teach you the ins and outs of it. Who are willing to train you and then pass you along to a vendor or to a partner that’s willing to help you along your quest of achieving financial freedom.
That’s one of the major reasons why I joined this program. I haven’t gotten too far yet, okay? My company has been created. My website is what you call it in the process of being published. And at the same time, I’m taking Danny’s approach in when in the mentorship program video where he took around six months, I’m not going to take as long, but he took around six months to learn merchant cash advance from another company.

I have a friend of mine who actually has an MCA as well. So, I’m really learning the ins and outs on how to properly discuss to clients. Sell the service, I guess, but more importantly, I feel that this will help me become more of a consultant rather than a salesperson when it comes to potential clients.

What I would say to anyone that’s on the fence of joining this program is you have to understand this is not a job. This is not a job. This is an opportunity. Right now, no matter what’s going on with this industry whether it’s down or up or whatever you have an opportunity right now to put your financial freedom in your hands. So always, always do your due diligence, do your research, and don’t be afraid to move forward, all right? Oz, I thank you for the opportunity. I look forward to Blueprint 2.0, and of course, more to come. You take care, my friend.

Shawn Reid

Sergio Pineda




Just to give you guys an example, me and Sergio were doing about a thousand dollars, $2,000 a month out of the library at FAU and now we’re looking at months hitting close to $15,000. We had a few $10,000 months, and we only plan on growing from there. All thanks to Oz.

Abraham: Hey guys, this is Abraham.
Sergio: This is Sergio.
Abraham: And we’re here with Blue Group Capital.
Sergio: And we’re members of the Merchant Cash Advance Blueprint.
Abraham: I’d definitely recommend people to join the Merchant Cash Advance Blueprint. It teaches you a lot about not only merchant cash events but about the whole alternative lending industry. Coming from the industry ourselves, we already had prior knowledge, but after working with Oz, the information he taught us, the different lessons that we weren’t even aware of really helped change the way we run our business.
Sergio: Yeah, we had been in the industry for about six months running our own business and we decided to join this blueprint and we definitely saw an increase in market share revenues and obviously expanded our programs to offer a broad range of programs which we weren’t offering before and we’ve definitely seen an increase in commissions and customers, satisfied clients and it’s definitely the way to go.
Abraham: Yeah, the way he does the classes are very straightforward. The information is presented. It’s very easy to execute. Just to give you guys an example, me and Sergio were doing about a thousand dollars, $2,000 a month out of the library at FAU and now we’re looking at months hitting close to 15,000. We had a few $10,000 months, and we only plan on growing from there. All thanks to Oz.
Sergio: Yeah, and if you guys are on the fence about joining this, you guys should trust us. It’s a life changing experience. It’s definitely, even if you don’t have any experience, it’s going to teach you everything you need to know, and you’ll definitely make some money with this.
Abraham: Exactly. You’re getting a lot for the price. I honestly, the only regret I have is not joining earlier. I don’t say that to be cliche, but we would’ve had a lot better results earlier on in time due to the blueprint, so thanks a lot, Oz.
Sergio: Thank you, Oz.
Abraham: And good luck guys.

Sergio Pineda

Dashawn Thomas




I think that the program makes the business a lot more easy to understand. I had to learn the business by listening to people pitch around me, and picking up things as a sales guy as well.

Okay. I’m going to discuss a little bit about the Blueprint program. My name is Dashawn Thomas. I am a part of Flash Investment Group. I’m a current member of the Blueprint program. I wanted to make a video to share my experience with the Blueprint so far. I decided to join the program to start my own company, as I have been on the funding side for roughly eight years. So, I don’t have the necessary experience as an independent sales guy, but I know their business entails and how they are able to make their money, so it was just a better way for me to make my own money going this route and building relationships with merchants directly. I still work with independent sales organizations and accountants and other business professionals that can help me generate business. I wouldn’t say I use this program to start funding deals… Obviously because I was always active with funding deals, but it has helped me to steer a path by myself where I can then, needing a platform for me to do something. A platform of somebody else’s.

I think that the program makes the business a lot more easy to understand. I had to learn the business by listening to people pitch around me, and picking up things as a sales guy as well… I would say to someone on the fence about joining: you won’t find an easier way to make money. There’s no easier way to make money than to sell money. Obviously you have to go back and forth with terms and what-not, but I find it to be the easiest way to generate a considerable amount of cash, and you have opportunities to invest in your deals and syndicate, which is major money, and that’s where everybody should be.

Lastly, I come from a funding background, so yeah. I’d say that anyone on the edge of trying to figure out whether you want to do something like this, take it from someone that’s been in the business for years and seen people make six-figures a month. Light. Very light. I would say, go for it. It’s easier than trying to sell people out of their homes, getting people out of their comfort zones and what-not. All have to really do is build relationships. Build a decent relationship with a client looking for funding. Sometimes I will build those relationships. Sometimes I’m sending emails, or sending text messages, and sometimes I don’t even expect a reply from certain people, but I do. I get it. So, I would say to anybody out there that is on the edge, consider it.

Dashawn Thomas

Scott Zawislak




Everything is laid out very good in this course. If you follow what is taught, I have no doubts that the sky is the limit. If you’re on the fence about joining, I would say don’t hesitate and sign up.

Hi. My name is Scott Zawislak. I’m a current of Oz’s Blueprint Program. I decided to join this course as I’m currently self-employed and I work long hours. I was looking for a different opportunity and to going a different direction in my career. I’ve always been interested in business financing and the need for other options besides the big banks, which are hard to obtain funding from in my experiences.

I have went through the course and I am looking to implement the strategies that I have learned in the course and grow this business and change my life in the very near future. Everything is laid out very good in this course. If you follow what is taught, I have no doubts that the sky is the limit. If you’re on the fence about joining, I would say don’t hesitate and sign up. The training is second to none and you will succeed with this blueprint. I have no doubt in my mind. Thank you.

Scott Zawislak

Scott Shipp




The flexibility of being able to do this business from anywhere in the world with a WiFi signal and a cell phone and being able to restructure my schedule to work around other things that are important to me.

Hello, everybody. My name is Scott Shipp, and I am the owner of Trinity Business Consulting located in Dansville New York, about 45 minutes south of Rochester. I am a current member of Oz’s Blueprint Program version 1.0 and also a member of the online community on Facebook. I wanted to take a few moments to shoot this short video to let you know about my experience with the Blueprint so far. My original intent, or reason for joining the Blueprint, actually there were several reasons.
Most importantly, to be able to provide for my family. Providing for them isn’t just about money for me. It’s also being present in their lives. I’ve been married for 16 years and I have three wonderful boys, so being there for them is really important to me. Several other reasons. The flexibility of being able to do this business from anywhere in the world with a WiFi signal and a cell phone and being able to restructure my schedule to work around other things that are important to me, such as Ministry, things of that nature is important to me as well.

My experience with the Blueprint program so far has been very positive. I’ve gone through about half the program so far. I’ve been trying to implement the things that I need to implement as I go. I am very impressed with the content, with the structure, with the way that concepts are explained and I really like the program. As to those who are on the fence whether or not you should take the plunge and jump in, I say, just do it. You’ll find a great community of people that are willing to help you, and they will take pride in your success. Have a good day.

Scott Shipp

Scott Buckler




The Business Lending Blueprint is awesome. It flows really well and it’s very easy to follow. I think all of the members in the Facebook group are really helping each other out, and the mentorship options are fantastic.

Hey guys, this is Scott Buckler with Business Funding Solutions. Just wanted to give you a quick shout out to regarding your Business Lending Blueprint Course. I think it’s awesome. I think you’ve done a really great job in putting it together. It flows really well. It’s very easy to follow. I think all of the members in the Facebook group are really helping each other out, and the mentorship options are fantastic. I can’t wait to see the 2.0 version, because I think that’s just going to make it even better. The opportunity is huge, and I think the price you pay for this course is an absolute bargain. So, really looking forward to seeing what 2.0 brings, and hopefully I can meet you in the future, and looking forward to crushing it this year. Thank you.

Scott Buckler

Jason Cunningham




I have been in the finance business for a while but wanted more ways to market myself.

Hi. Greetings. My name is Mark Buchine. I am a part of the success blueprint. It’s only been for a few weeks, so I’m not sure exactly what to say here. I had been in the business already for a while, and I was looking for additional ways to market myself, and that’s what I was hoping this program would do for me. I really haven’t been involved with enough to say either way, so I’m not sure what else I have to say except I’m looking forward to version two, and hoping that it will be an improvement. And thank you very much for your time.

Mordechai Buchine