Nate Allen




Basically, my experience so far has been pretty darn good. I feel like it’s a great foundation to start a business lending program. It’s fantastic, it gives you the foundation you need, it gives you the landing page and now on the new version of the website.

Hello everyone. My name’s Nate Allen. My business is called Big Sky Lending that I set up after joining Oz’s course. I’ve been a member in the Merchant Cash Advanced Course, Blueprint, since March of this year and it’s just a little over three months.
I wanted to shoot a video to share my experience in the course with anybody who might be thinking about joining and looking for something better, something different, a change in career, something like that, like I was.

The reason I decided to join the program was because I’d run across it on a craigslist ad and I wanted something different, and I ran across this and most things out there are scams and I know that on the Internet and these get-rich-quick deals, so I really did my due diligence on this one and checked it out. I watched all the videos out there, Youtube videos, on the Merchant Cash Blueprint, and I couldn’t find anything negative about it, not one thing.

And so, I decided to go ahead and join it for that reason and give it a chance. It wasn’t a big cost and I thought it was worth it. And so sure enough, I joined it up and I started going through the Blueprint and I still, as of right now, I haven’t gone through 100% of the Blueprint, I’ll be honest, I’ve gone through maybe three quarters of it or so, I need to finish it out for sure.

But basically, my experience so far has been pretty darn good. I feel like it’s a great foundation to start a business lending program. It’s fantastic, it gives you the foundation you need, it gives you the landing page and now on the new version of the website, it gives you all the tools you need to get the business started.
What I found is it’s really up to you though to make it happen, get out there and get it done. You really got to work at it, just like anything, you still have to work at, it’s not like they’re going to just write you checks every week and hand you money, you’ve got to work at it. But, it’s been fantastic.

I targeted some of the wrong audience and things like that and have not funded a deal yet, so I started out trying to chase truckers and sell trucks to truckers, and found out that truckers have a pretty poor credit, and it was a challenge. So for me, I just started out chasing that shiny objects thing, which the Blueprint said not to do, and I did that. And so, I’ve wasted some time, not a lot of time because I’ve only been in it three months and I haven’t funded to deal, but I’ve sent in several applications, probably 15 applications on truckers, and now I’ve switched over to a different area, and it seems to really be working, I’m really close. I’ve got an offer on the table right now and I’m real close to actually funding a deal.

Nate Allen

Nadav Solimany




Firstly, I decided to join the blueprint group in order to expand my knowledge about the industry. I’ve been in the industry for a couple of years, but recently, I’ve opened my own ISO shop, and I’m doing this full time.

Hey guys, Nadav Solimany here, CEO of LendaFi. I’m actually a member of Oz’s blueprint group, for the past two months, and it’s been amazing so far. I wanted to hop on here, real quickly, to share my experience, thus far, with the group and with the blueprint. Firstly, I decided to join the blueprint group in order to expand my knowledge about the industry. I’ve been in the industry for a couple of years, but recently, I’ve opened my own ISO shop, and I’m doing this full time, and I wanted to have a mentor, or a few mentors actually, which I think it’s smart and really important to have, for every entrepreneur these days. And also, another aspect was marketing, because when I found Oz online, it was through his marketing company that he has, as well.

Also, so far, the blueprint has been helping me, a lot, to expand my knowledge and expand my services. What that means is, I started off with merchant cash advance only, and now, I have a lot more to offer to my clients, which is great. So, that way, I’m not losing leads that don’t fit for merchant cash advance. So, I have SBA loans now, equipment financing, credit card stacking, stuff like that, which definitely helps me out and helps my business. And also, most importantly, is the fact that on Facebook ads that I’ve been running before I joined Oz’s group, it would cost me about… I would say the highest was about $200 per lead, which was just outrageous because I didn’t know who to target, how to structure my ad, and stuff like that, which Oz’s success blueprint and was amazing and still is. And now, the past week, literally, the past week, I have an ad that I did through his blueprint, and it’s costing me, right now, I think about 15… No, sorry, $9 per lead. So, it’s amazing. I haven’t closed anything yet, but I just literally started the ad last week and already got 10 leads. So, that’s really, really good.

So, if you’re watching this right now, I’m assuming you’re on the fence and you’re still thinking about joining the group. What I can tell you is, it’s a lot more than what you think it is. What I mean by that, it’s not only the training that you’re going to get, but you’re going to have, and be surrounded by, a group of people, community on our Facebook page, which the first thing that I do when I wake up, I go through our group page and see who put what because there’s lot of good content that helps us out. And literally, it helps me a lot more. As of right now, after I went through the whole program, now, I’m just focusing on the Facebook group, asking questions, and a lot of people are here. Most of the people, if not everyone actually, it’s just that I don’t have connections directly with everyone or personal connections, but everybody’s really helpful, so far, and I can’t wait to have more people just like us that are here to succeed.

So, if you’re on the fence, I would definitely do it because I’m that kind of person that does a lot of research, too much overthinking, and it doesn’t really help me, most of the times. I can tell you that I’ve been watching and following Oz for, I think seven months, before I actually joined him. And I did a call with him for an hour, and he took time and jumped on a call. And I did another call. So, I finally joined, and I can tell you that if I could have went back in time, I would have probably joined seven months ago when I actually opened up my business because it would have made my life much easier. I would have saved at least 10 grand, if not more. I put a lot of money into the business. Some of you want to do it as a second job, which is fine. I’m doing it the only thing that I’m doing right now, so I’m putting a lot of money into this because I believe in it, and Oz is definitely helping out, and the community. All right, thanks. See you soon.

Nadav Solimany

Misti Reeves




I recently closed my first deal, so yay. I’m excited about that and hoping to start closing more here real soon. Oz is definitely a great help in making sure that you get the information that you need to get you up and running.

Hi. Misty here, Bay Area Fast Cash. I’m part of Oz’s blueprint program. I joined this program several months ago and have been working it very part-time. I am not very good with technology, so it was a lot of learning for me. I am strumming along, have crossed many bridges and I’m sure have many more to still overcome. I recently closed my first deal, so yay. I’m excited about that and hoping to start closing more here real soon. The beginning of August, I am going to cut my schedule at my serving job so that way I have more time to spend on my business. I’ve been trying to do some local networking as well as online networking, and that seems to be helping out somewhat.

If you’re not sure if you want to join this program or not, if you’re looking for a career change and you don’t think you have it in you to go for it all in on your own, Oz is definitely a great help in making sure that you get the information that you need to get you up and running. This is a great community that we’re in here, and I’m excited to have joined. Look forward to the future. Have a great day

Misti Reeves

Keith Anderson




Just so you know, this is a business that’s not going to go away. Businesses need money to survive. Whether it’s a small store or a large chain or a gas station, any type of business.

Hi, good afternoon. My name is Keith Anderson. I’m part of Oz’s blueprint system. I signed up recently and just trying to get myself started in a new MCA business. My goal is to eventually replace my income. With what I’m doing, I’m currently working full time in outside sales and my goal is to create an income where I can work away from this pretty soon. So, I’m just trying to get started in this business.

I’ve started going through the blueprint system that Oz has put together. So far it’s really good. I like the training. It’s just a matter of getting it implemented. For someone that’s starting out, you really need to take your time and go through some of the steps and actually put it to work versus just reading it and so forth. So, I guess right now my struggle is the time with my … I’ve kids and a wife and just need to sit down and do everything. Go through the steps and implement everything.

But so far the training is good. It’s been really well received. I like the way it’s laid out. It’s not a whole lot that I would change, it’s just a matter of doing it. So, for someone that’s getting started, just go through the training, follow the steps, and get started because nothing happens unless a pebbles turned essentially. Anyway, I just to give you that feedback. Hope that helps you if you’re making a decision and getting started in the business.

Just so you know, this is a business that’s not going to go away. Businesses need money to survive. Whether it’s a small store or a large chain or a gas station, any type of business, they need money even to just keep their doors open. So, unlike a doughnut store or a store that makes … I’ll say doughnuts again, people are always going to need money. They don’t always need a doughnut, but they need money. So, anyway, take care. Thank you.

Keith Anderson

Mickey Smith




so far in the program it’s been great. The information is fantastic. When I first got into it, I was only thinking merchant cash advances, but there’s so much more that’s involved in this program and delivered by Oz and the phenomenal support group that you have inside the private membership area.

Hi, my name is Mickey Smith. I’m with the financial group. I’m a current member of Oz’s Blueprint program and wanted to shoot a quick video to share my experience so far in the program. I’ve just started not too long ago. I wanted to add this on to my business. I am in contact with CEO’s daily and all of them are trying to grow their businesses one way or another and quite a few of them come across needing funding. So I thought this will be a good opportunity to add that into the quiver, right? So, so far in the program it’s been great. The information is fantastic. When I first got into it, I was only thinking merchant cash advances, but there’s so much more that’s involved in this program and delivered by Oz and the phenomenal support group that you have inside the private membership area.

There’s lots of people funding every day and sharing their stories. It’s a place in there where you can post what you’re trying to fund and multiple people will respond with the lenders that are out there that have been approved by the system. In other words, they’re trustworthy. I love having that type of support. So it’s not just teaching you that there are such a thing as merchant cash advances or equipment lending, leasing and that type of deal. It also gives you providers that they have went in and pre-vetted for you. And that list is changing, people being added, people being removed because it can be a cutthroat industry. So what I have found so far is that Oz is very giving. He’s a great trainer and then there’s an awful lot of people in the organization as far as the group that is fantastic to work with. And I look forward to completing the course. If you’re on the fence, don’t even think twice about it. You need to go on and sign up and get into this group and you will find out that you have all the support you need to make this happen for you and your organization. Thank you and take care.

Mickey Smith

Michele Miller




It’s a very comprehensive program. We’ll give you all the steps that you’re going to need to get going and to be successful in the business funding arena.

Hello there. It’s Michelle Miller with Shell Capital Fund, recording this video as a current member of Oz’s Merchant Cash Advance.
It’s a very comprehensive program. We’ll give you all the steps that you’re going to need to get going and to be successful in the business funding arena. In July of 2018, I retired from military service and was looking for nontraditional ways to generate income. The Merchant Cash Advance blueprint info video popped up in my feed. I watched it, was impressed with what I saw, decided to make the investment.

So far, I’ve completed all the steps. I’ve established an online presence. And on LinkedIn, a business owner reached out. They own a trucking and logistics company in Arkansas, and they are interested in equipment funding. So that’s exciting to see positive results from the training and the steps that I implemented.

To anyone that is on the fence about joining, I would say the Facebook group alone is a tremendous resource. There are peers there; our colleagues are sharing their challenges, their triumphs, the things that they’re using, the tools that they’re using in their businesses to be successful. So that alone is worth the investment.
There you have it. Go be great.

Michele Miller

Mark Magnus




So far I would say we’ve done really, really well. We’ve gotten to really build out our organic growth in the first 30 days, particularly the LinkedIn marketing as well as Facebook marketing.

Hi, this is Mark Magnus with Nationwide Capital Source and I just wanted to take a few minutes to share some experience. We are currently in Oz’s blueprint program. We started roughly about 30 days ago, about a month ago. We started our company about six months ago but had some trouble getting off the ground, so we decided to join with Oz’s program. So far I would say we’ve done really, really well. We’ve gotten to really build out our organic growth in the first 30 days, particularly the LinkedIn marketing as well as Facebook marketing.

I haven’t really spent a lot of money on marketing dollars, so we’re really doing the organic side of things. I’m happy to say in the first 30 days we already have three deals in the pipeline, one of which is already pre-approved. So we’re super excited about that. And I’d have to say the first few months when we started the business we had no leads and just by implementing Oz’s program, we’re starting to see the funnel begin to build. We’re happy with the pace of it, and I’m really pleased that we signed up, and I’d highly recommend it if you’re on the fence.

It’s a great program, step-by-step, and really kind of walks you through it. So, like I said, I highly encourage anybody that’s starting in the business lending industry. I actually have 20 years of lending experience, but I still felt there’s a lot of value to this program.

Mark Magnus

Matt Fleeks




Very, very pleased with the structure of the content inside The Blueprint. Oz put a tremendous amount of time, energy, and effort into this program, and I’ve been learning a lot.

Hey, how’s it going? My name is Marcus Mayes with Elite Express. I just want to make a quick video to talk about Oz’s program, The Blueprint. I joined The Blueprint approximately 60 days ago. I already have a business, and I still have a full time position. I was just really looking to replace my current salary and scale my business at the same time. Very, very pleased with the structure of the content inside The Blueprint. Oz put a tremendous amount of time, energy, and effort into this program, and I’ve been learning a lot.

The Facebook group, the community, there are some experts, there are some people that are extremely knowledgeable, and they’ve been more than willing to share their knowledge, their experiences, and even some of their resources. So I’m pleased with what I’ve received so far inside The Blueprint, and there’s constantly being things added, he’s going through making changes all the time, and very engaged inside the group. So anyone that’s thinking about doing The Blueprint, I would definitely say go for it because I’m glad that I did.

Matt Fleeks

Marcus Mayes




Very, very pleased with the structure of the content inside The Blueprint. Oz put a tremendous amount of time, energy, and effort into this program, and I’ve been learning a lot.

Hey, how’s it going? My name is Marcus Mayes with Elite Express. I just want to make a quick video to talk about Oz’s program, The Blueprint. I joined The Blueprint approximately 60 days ago. I already have a business, and I still have a full time position. I was just really looking to replace my current salary and scale my business at the same time. Very, very pleased with the structure of the content inside The Blueprint. Oz put a tremendous amount of time, energy, and effort into this program, and I’ve been learning a lot.

The Facebook group, the community, there are some experts, there are some people that are extremely knowledgeable, and they’ve been more than willing to share their knowledge, their experiences, and even some of their resources. So I’m pleased with what I’ve received so far inside The Blueprint, and there’s constantly being things added, he’s going through making changes all the time, and very engaged inside the group. So anyone that’s thinking about doing The Blueprint, I would definitely say go for it because I’m glad that I did.

Marcus Mayes

Louis Burrell




I love what I’m seeing, I love what I’m reading, and I love what I’m learning. So far it’s very easy to follow. Just laid out step by step, so you can pause, rewind, go back, fast forward. So it’s a very detailed program that Oz has come up with.

How you doing today? My name is Louis Burrell and I’m a brand new member to Oz’s Blueprint Program. I currently don’t have a business name as of yet, because like I said I’ve only joined a couple days ago, and I’m going through the modules right now. So far, so good. I love what I’m seeing, I love what I’m reading, and I love what I’m learning. So far it’s very easy to follow. Just laid out step by step, so you can pause, rewind, go back, fast forward. So it’s a very detailed program that Oz has come up with. I love what I’m reading and seeing within this program so far.

I also love the fact that you can reach out to Facebook group, and you can ask questions. Not only can you do that, Oz has a program in this Blueprint Program where he has weekly phone calls. So you can listen to others, if they might have the same question that you might have. You can ask Oz, and not only that, you can go back to previous phone calls. So it’s a very detailed program that Oz came up with. I couldn’t thank him so much. I appreciate everything that he’s done within this program. This is basically given me an opportunity and a new look on life, because I currently work 50 plus hours. I work for the government right now, 50 plus hours, and it’s a very stressful job. I’m not happy. I definitely want to find a way out as soon as possible, because like I said, it’s just a stress filled job, and stress is definitely not good for your health. It’s not good for you mentally or physically.

I’ve always wanted to start my own business, and through all the research it’s kind of actually led me to this program as one of the best business to be a part of. I just want to be able to be my own boss, be able to make multiple streams of income, but not only that, at the same time you can help out others achieve their dreams within this program. I definitely believe in this program. Like I said, I want to thank Oz for this Blueprint Program, and it’s so far, so good. I definitely would suggest that anybody who’s on the fence about getting to something that they might know or feel comfortable with, that you probably might want to try it out. Because I know we’re always taught in life to go to school, go get an education, and then you go get a job, and most people are not happy in that job. So sometimes you just have to step out your comfort zone, and this is kind of me stepping out of my comfort zone, because I’m brand new to this business.

So far I’m loving what I’m seeing, and I can just see the positivity, and I can see me making a good amount of money in this program, and me just being happy. So I definitely think that anybody looking for a change or looking for some extra income, I think this is a great opportunity. I’m going to take full advantage of it. I appreciate it. Thanks for your time.

Louis Burrell