Rashad Elliott




Yes. Just watch the videos so you can tell between the real and the fake. This is a real business. This is people seeing real results in this business, in this industry, and actually making real money.

All right. My name’s Rashad Elliott. I’ve been in Oz’s program for about a month now. I started June 3rd, 2019 and as of today is July 8th, 2019. The company I created is called Funders Force. Funders Force is a solid name, so I’m proud of that name. Yes. This business is a solid business. This is a real business. You definitely have to put in the work for you to see results in this business. I wake up everyday, five o’clock in the morning, and do my marketing, non-stop since I started the business. Well, yes, since I actually started the business. You’re definitely going to have to put in the work for you to see success, just like any other business.

I actually started implementing Craigslist as well, places a $5 ad on Craigslist, their financial service section, and I got a call from a guy in Delaware. He was looking for funding for 18,000 but he recently got two merchant cash advance in one month, in June, so underwriting didn’t want to put them in the position where they’re going to over leverage themselves. He got funded for $3,000. It was a small deal. Get paid nine points on it. Yes. That actually will get closed tomorrow. He will get his funding tomorrow.

This business is not an easy business, just like any other business. If you want to see success, you want to put in the work. If you’re on the fence and looking to get in this business, make sure you go on Oz’s YouTube page because when I first started, that’s all I did was watch his YouTube videos on the people that were actually in the business or in the blueprint, and actually seeing success in this business. Yes. Just watch the videos so you can tell between the real and the fake. This is a real business. This is people seeing real results in this business, in this industry, and actually making real money.

Yes. My name’s Rashad and if you’re looking to get in this business, just go ahead and take action, right. Bet on yourself and believe in yourself. That’s the only way to win.

Rashad Elliott

Randolph Wright




The program is top notch. The training is great. The support is great. They’ve got a very vibrant online community. This industry has high commissions and a short sales cycle. It’s an ideal business model.

Hi, my name is Randy Wright and I’m a current member of Oz’s Success Blueprint Program. And I wanted to take a moment just to share some experiences with you.
The program is top notch. The training is great. The support is great. They’ve got a very vibrant online community. This industry has high commissions and a short sales cycle. It’s an ideal business model. However, it does require training both in product knowledge and marketing.

One of the biggest mistakes, I believe, that people make is to think that they are considering whether they should invest in training in or not. And the reality is you pay for the training whether you have it or not. There are people who’ve… in this industry, they’ve already spent the time, the energy, the money, they’ve already made the mistakes, and they’ve documented it. They have a blueprint, follow it, be successful.

See you on the other side.

Randolph Wright

Philip Cook




Everybody is very forthcoming with how they are achieving success. And there’s a lot of successful people doing this business with this program that are … I mean, that are making money. There’s no doubt about it.

Hi, my name’s Philip Cook. And my business name is FDC Incorporated. And I’m a member of Oz’s Blueprint Program. I’ve been a member for a few months now and I’m going through the content. And I just want to shoot this quick little video to give you so far what my experience has been and why I joined.

I joined because I’m looking for a way to start a kind of a business on the side. I work full-time in sales and I travel a lot. And I’m tired of traveling. So I was looking for something I could start on the side and build it into a full-time business, but be home-based or location independent. Without any brick and mortar, without any employees, without a lot of up front cost.

And so far that’s what I found in this program. And the experience so far is just that as you go through the program, if you have any questions, you can actually get those questions answered right in the community Facebook group. Everybody is very forthcoming with how they are achieving success. And there’s a lot of successful people doing this business with this program that are … I mean, that are making money. There’s no doubt about it.

As a matter of fact, one of the things that they teach is to find a niche within this industry. In investigating one of the niches, which is business equipment leasing, I have reached out to one of the members. I was traveling and I told her I would be in town. And we got together for lunch. And I got to pick her brain. And now I have a really good contact in that industry. And that’s just how everybody is as far as the community.

Also, Oz, the creator, he’s been very supportive. And he’s not one of these internet marketers who’s always coming out with a new program every 90 days trying to sell you something new. That’s just not him. There’s a lot of integrity with his business and with this program. And there’s a lot of opportunity. So if you’re kind of on the fence thinking about it, you won’t find a better community. You won’t find a better creator of a program. And again, there’s just a lot of opportunity in this industry right now.
So I would say, “Hey, jump in and it’ll be well worth it.” Thanks. Have a great day.

Philip Cook

Pete Kici




I bought the program, and, like buying most programs, you go in with high expectations, but this program actually over-delivered. I mean, when I got in and I was expecting a couple of things to know about how to pick your lenders and vendors, and a couple of marketing gigs and trips, and you know…
And, in the end, I mean, it’s a fricking business plan. It’s a complete walkthrough.

Hey, buddy. It’s me, Pete Kici. I’m doing this video for the MCA program, Merchant Cash Advance training, and it’s Oz’s program. I will tell you, I bought the program, and, like buying most programs, you go in with high expectations, but this program actually over-delivered. I mean, when I got in and I was expecting a couple of things to know about how to pick your lenders and vendors, and a couple of marketing gigs and trips, and you know…

And, in the end, I mean, it’s a fricking business plan. It’s a complete walkthrough. And I even made that comment to one of the guys who said, “Man, if you’re looking at building a business, there is no other program I’ve seen for this industry that actually sets you up in a way where we’re talking long-term, real deal business where you’re actually going to do things that are going to provide you an income down the road for many, many years to come.”

Now, again, like most of these programs, you actually have to do some work, but the work on the front end is much less painful than the misery you’ll suffer down the road if you don’t do anything. So I highly recommend the MCA program for anybody thinking about getting in this industry.

And the new one is the BB program, Business Builders. I’m going to tell you, if it’s equal or better than that, you’re really going to have some fun. So I highly recommend. If you’re considering getting into the commercial side of lending, MCA program, any of that stuff, this is a must-have. You need this program. Or, you know, stumble through the shit yourself and figure it out. But this is the fast track to getting results and really building a business. So again, I don’t get paid for this. I’m doing this for the people that are on the fence or thinking about it.

So, again, my name’s Pete Kici. I hope this helped. And go ahead, if you’re going to do this type of work, you need this type of training and support with Facebook group. And hope to see you on the other side, man. Great day. Bye.

Pete Kici

Paul Jackson




So I get to keep my full-time job and as well now bring Blueprint, which lead me down this path, back into the fold and now I can make some serious, serious money.

Hello Oz and everybody down at now Business Lending Blueprint. This is Paul Jackson. I am a current member of the Blueprint family as well as owner of Hearthfire Capital. That is the name of my company.

I joined Blueprint about a year ago, looking for a drastic career change. I have been a student of Oz and been a fly on a wall watching and learning ever since then. I was able to land a full time tech position which gave me a foundation of the base salary plus commission which has been great, but now I get to move all of my operations on site to remotely while now I’ll be working at home. So I get to keep my full-time job and as well now bring Blueprint, which lead me down this path, back into the fold and now I can make some serious, serious money.

My experience has been fantastic. I’ve learned a lot. I want to learn more. I now want to come full circle, that Oz has done with the Blueprint itself. I would say to anybody that has any hesitation, the hesitation has been removed. Many of the structures that I wished that had been there before are now there. So for anybody that is willing to come in, do the work, listen and learn trust me, do it. Oz’s Blueprint and Oz both are absolutely amazing. Can’t wait to join. Talk to everybody soon. Bye bye.

Paul Jackson

Patrick Gaul




Let me tell you something, joining the program was the best thing I ever did. Based on the… Or because of the knowledge that I gained from the program, I was able to walk away from my former sales job about six months ago, and launch my business.

Hi there. Patrick here, owner/founder of Coastal Funding Group and current member of the BLB Program. I just wanted to throw a quick video together to share my personal experiences with the program with you in hopes of helping you along your decision process.

So, it wasn’t too long ago that I was sitting pretty much the same place you are right now, only I knew I wanted to get into business funding space but just didn’t quite know where to start, how to go about it. I ended up spending thousands of dollars on several courses. I’ve joined, I don’t know, half a dozen or so, online groups and forums in hopes of finding a reputable mentor along the way, only to wind up right where I started from. Broke, frustrated, and confused.

So then I stumbled across Oz’s program, the Business Lending Blueprint and let me tell you something, joining the program was the best thing I ever did. Based on the… Or because of the knowledge that I gained from the program, I was able to walk away from my former sales job about six months ago, and launch my business. So, my motivations were many. Obviously I wanted to make a good living, right? You know, everybody likes that money, but personally, I wanted a business, I wanted a lifestyle business, a business that I can work pretty much when I wanted to, as I wanted to, whether I wanted to get started at 7:00 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. what have you.
Today, I think… Or six months ago or so, I’ll tell you, I didn’t know where my next dollar was going to come from. I had boat payment, car payment, house payment, all of it, right. Today, that’s the least of my worries. So, thanks to the training and mentoring through the Blueprint Program, I now have a real business with a great online presence that I’m pretty proud of and it’s going to be a lucrative… It’s proving to become lucrative.

The best part of the whole program is the way it’s laid out. The training never really stops. So, in other words, once you sign up, you’re not just going to be thrown a bunch of videos, a bunch of information and trying to figure out where to start and so forth. It’s set up in a step-by-step process in a logical one, two, three order. You just follow through, starting with module one, module two, and so on and so forth. And before you know it, at the end of the training, you’ve got a whole business, all built, established, running and ready to go.

So, the bottom line is this: If you’re serious about your own success, and you’re willing to put in some effort, because it is going to take some effort on your part, you follow the instructions that are given to you, step-by-step. You can’t go wrong. You can’t fail. It’s fail-proof. So, if you’re like me and you’ve spent thousands of dollars already, I’m telling you, this will be the last check you’re going to write. If you haven’t spent thousands yet, you’re ahead of the game. Dive in now and best of luck to you. Hope to see you on the inside.

Patrick Gaul

Nick Collette




But I again, have not been looking at this as a full-time job and have instead simply tried to make some additional income and am well on my way I feel like, to doing that.

Hi. My name is Nick Colette, and I recently bought the Blueprint from Oz about, probably three to four months ago. Been a little slow getting up and started. I’m a full-time political consultant, actually. I was looking to make some additional income. I’ve been very pleased with the Blueprint thus far. I’m in the process of building out my website.
Really trying to scale things and work on the lead generation side of things. I’ve, like I said, been very happy with it. Look forward to diving in a little more in depth, and just wanted to shoot a video and explain to potential customers in the future who may be looking at Oz’s blueprint that it’s a good decision. I don’t regret it.
Like I said, I am a little slower probably, getting up and going than some of the other folks who have bought the Blueprint, but I again, have not been looking at this as a full-time job and have instead simply tried to make some additional income and am well on my way I feel like, to doing that. I look forward to the Blueprint 2.0 and look forward to all Oz has to provide going forward. Thank you.

Nick Collette

Mike Wright




Right now I’m on vacation with a travel baseball trip and I wouldn’t be able to do that if it weren’t for this program.

Hi, this is Mike Wright with Foresight Business Funding. I’m a current member of the MCA Blueprint from Oz. I just wanted to shoot a quick video to share my experience with the program. I joined Oz’s MCA Blueprint to better automate and organize my current business. The materials and the tools have been quite helpful to ensure followup on leads. The community and the Facebook group has been quite helpful for advice especially if you’re new to the business. They’re also lender partners, can help you close deals faster than if you were all alone. I would highly recommend joining the program especially if you’re spinning your wheels, not sure what to do, aren’t closing deals or if you’re trying to get ahead in life or spend more time with family. Right now I’m on vacation with a travel baseball trip and I wouldn’t be able to do that if it weren’t for this program.

Mike Wright

Nicholas Shellman




I figured it was an avenue that was worth discovering or investigating for a little bit and seeing what can come out of it. I don’t regret that decision at all.

My name is Nicholas Shellman. I’m with Pure Life Funding. I’m a member of Oz Blueprint Program. I wanted to shoot this video to tell you a little bit about my experience so far with the program.

The reason I decided to join the program in the first place was basically family, wanting to see a lot more of my children. I was doing a nine to five. I was a truck driver and if you know anything about truck drivers, if you’re local or if you’re over the road the hours are long. Obviously, local you come home every night but the… Exactly, you’ve probably seen them… I always see them when they was in the bed and when I got up in the morning and they were still in the bed. The only time I really saw them was the weekend. Weekend come around I was super duper tired and I really didn’t want to do anything. I have a three and four year old. They are like loaded energy balls. They want to run around, they want to play, they hadn’t seen me in a long time and I was just tired. That wasn’t the life that I deserved and they don’t deserve it. So I wanted to change things up.

Basically I came across Oz on YouTube, I forget what I was even researching, but somehow he popped up and I checked it out. He offered the sample of the online course and I checked that out and that sparked my interest. I figured it was an avenue that was worth discovering or investigating for a little bit and seeing what can come out of it. I don’t regret that decision at all.

With the program so far, I did learn that I was very green behind the ears, or wet behind the ears, so to speak, when it comes to business. Going through the program it taught me a lot. I’m one of the people that you go step by step and I don’t move on until I complete the actions part of that step. So it’s been slow so far. At the beginning. But I’m still trying man. I know that something’s going to come out good with this. Consistency is the key. Just got to stay consistent and stay disciplined and just get it done. So that’s the same thing I want to say to the people that’s on the fence, anything worth having or anything worth working for, you just got to stay consistent. Even little baby steps, just stay moving, no matter what you’re moving. If the movement is not big enough just look at it this way, you can’t move. Just keep going up.

Just go ahead and join the program man, it’s life changing. It’ll teach you a lot as you’re going through it. I mean, not even just about the industry, or Blandon or Merchant Cash Advances, what I find is basic life in general. Like I said, as far as business goes, I knew nothing. Now I feel like my brain is swelling up from knowing so much. So just keep digging until you strike oil man. Come on in. From what I have discovered, the people in the community are awesome, good people. You definitely should try it out, see what’s going on. You really don’t have anything to lose so just move on.

My name is Nicholas Shellman. With Pure Life Funding.

Nicholas Shellman

Nicholas Picarello




I joined the group, and what you taught me didn’t disappoint, and there was also an added value that I’d never expected. I never expected it to be as good as it was.

Hey, Oz. So you’re asking me to do a one-to-two-minute video. We’ve been down this road before. You know I can’t do that. You know my enthusiasm just comes out. Last time, I think you did a video with me, a hook had come from your staff and pull me off the stage, so I’ll do my best to keep it under two minutes, but no promises.
My name is Nick Picarello. Name of the business is named after the second most famous bridge in Brooklyn, although I think it’s the most famous: the Verrazzano Bridge. My business is called the Verrazzano Business Advisors.

Why I joined is I was having success, before I was aware of your program, I was having success, but I knew I wanted to reach another level with some of the innovative marketing that you’re known for. Once I had some success, I joined the group, and what you taught me didn’t disappoint, and there was also an added value that I’d never expected. I never expected it to be as good as it was. Again, I was having success, I needed some help get into the next level with some of the new innovative marketing. So I took the course, and I applied those teachings to my business, and it definitely helped. I’m still growing, and the top side, I have no idea where it is, but it’s very bright.
I didn’t use all the techniques. You don’t need all the techniques, but you give a wealth of information. Certain techniques suited my personality, some didn’t. So I mean it’s really, if you’re not tech savvy … I’m kind of in between tech savvy. Social media weak but tech savvy. But no matter where you are in that whole degree of technology, you’ll fit in. You’ll fit in, and you’ll be fine. Listen, picking up the phone is the old-fashioned way, and I think if you stick to that, you’ll make six figures. So why I joined is because I just wanted to take it to a new level, and you didn’t disappoint.

My experiences so far has been exactly what you stated. The benefit is the group. The group is incredibly generous. I learn from new people. I learn from the seasoned people. I share what I can. It’s really a remarkable experience, or it’s a great, great value added. I said this before publicly in the video, the team takes on the personality of the leader, and the generosity, the dedication, the passion of this group is just really a testament to what you’re creating here.

So if anyone’s thinking about doing this, I highly recommend it. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a great living. You could see, last time you’ve videotaped me, I was overlooking some yachts in Florida. Today, I’m overlooking some nice, wonderful weather here in summer in New Jersey. And so you could work right from your desktop. You can’t beat that. I love what I do. I bring value to clients. What better way to make a good living?So if you’re thinking about doing it, again, it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. The best advice I could offer is pick a niche and work it consistently. You got to work it consistently. I wake up every day, and I’m out here, working my program. However, if you want to do it part time, and you’ll have some challenges, you’ll have to be really dedicated and unique. You have to really work on your time management, but it can be done. But no matter what you do, just be consistent. Learn from the group. If I could help you out and learn from me, please teach me something. This is not a free lunch, so I expect you to teach me something, to let me know about your experiences. But it is a wonderful experience. Again, you haven’t disappointed.
I look forward to 3.0, so I’ll give you a week to exhale, but Oz, I want you to get back to work, which I know you will because your passion drives you the way it drives me. So all, like I say, I can’t keep this below two minutes, so I’m just going to say, have a great summer.

Nicholas Picarello