Ashif Tejani


LOCATION: Vancouver, Canada


All I can say is I’m looking forward to learning some new skills and make enough money initially to quit my job and buy back my time.

Hey guys, just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Ashif Tejani and I have just today joined the business and I don’t have a lot to talk about since I’m so new at this business.

All I can say is I’m looking forward to learning some new skills and make enough money initially to quit my job and buy back my time and then use my skills and what I’m learning from this business to help others and hopefully make some kind of a difference. So that’s really all I have to say for now. Maybe I can make another video in a few months when I have gone through the program, so it’s nice to be here. Again, my name is Ashif Tejani. I live in Vancouver, Canada and hope to see you guys around soon. Thank you so much.

Ashif Tejani

Annette Rooney




Been doing the marketing, lots of response. Getting ready to fund probably four or five deals here in the next week or so. I highly recommend the MCA Blueprint for Success.

Hi there. This is Annette Rooney with ARC Business Group. And I purchased Oz’s program about three months ago, have been through all the modules. They’re great detail, you need to go through them more than one time.

Haven’t funded any deals yet. Been doing the marketing, lots of response. Getting ready to fund probably four or five deals here in the next week or so. I highly recommend the MCA Blueprint for Success. I have subscribed to other programs that were more expensive and didn’t have nearly the materials, or the contacts or the updates that this particular program has.

The reason why I signed up for this, because I thought it would be a good fit for my current job of being in real estate and business sales. And so far it has been a very good fit, I’m going to be able to help more current clients and future clients with the knowledge and the tools that I’ve learned in this program here.

So, if you’re on the fence, get off the fence and go get this program. Thanks so much, bye.

Annette Rooney

Alfredo Montalvo




My business is scaling, the community is A plus, support is A plus. The training overall is A plus. So I have to say join. And if you put in the work, you will see results.

Hello there. My name is Alfredo Montavo with Ink financial. Currently a member of the Blueprint Program. And I wanted to share my experience so far. Originally when I joined the program, a friend of mine in the same industry joined the course a few months prior and he was scaling his business rapidly and naturally I wanted to see what he was doing and he said he joined a course called the Blueprint Program.

So I took the dive and I have to say that I’ve seen amazing results. My business is scaling, the community is A plus, support is A plus. The training overall is A plus. So if you’re still on the fence about joining this program, take it from me. I believe in it. I’ve seen someone else do the program, he believes in it. And these guys are on another level with the Blueprint Program. So I have to say join. And if you put in the work, you will see results. Okay?

Alfredo Montalvo

Alex Hidalgo




Over the past year, I’ve had roughly $20,000 in fundings and commissions that have just supplemented the income that I have. And I only do it maybe two hours a night for three to four days a week, and at my own leisure.

Hi everyone. This is Alex Hidalgo. I am the owner of Capital Business United. I have been a member of Oz’s Blueprint program now for the past year. I just wanted to shoot a video to share my experience with the Blueprint over the past 12 months. I decided to join the Blueprint program a year ago just to have supplemental income. I think we’re all chasing that financial freedom that I think we all want. And ultimately I was looking to join a field where I knew that I had the flexibility of doing it on my spare time when I have the time to do it. I’m currently in a corporate sector. I love my field, I’m very passionate about it. But like I said before, I think everyone wants to have that financial freedom, so looking for alternate ways of finding it.

Over the past year, I’ve had roughly $20,000 in fundings and commissions that have just supplemented the income that I have. And I only do it maybe two hours a night for three to four days a week, and at my own leisure. It’s not something that I do full time. The one thing I can say just after taking the Blueprint and being in the Facebook community and everything, it is an amazing foundation.

I have never worked in a merchant cash advance field. I have friends that do, that make an incredible amount of income and that’s kind of what piqued my interest into the field. But I had no experience with it and after researching, at least I have a basic foundation a year ago, Oz’s Blueprint has been the best. It really is a basic foundation for anybody that has no idea what they’re doing in the field, who may have never worked in the finance industry. And if you have worked in the finance industry, then it challenges you to think differently and really improve your business.

The Blueprint community on Facebook group has been awesome. Whenever I’ve had a question or whenever anyone has had questions, I’ve seen members step in and help each other. The only thing that I can say is while I only do this two to three hours per day, maybe three, like I said, three, four days a week, if you get what you put into it, if you do this full time, I know you can make incredible amount of income. And if you do it part time, you’re going to get back what you put into it. But ultimately I’m happy, and the extra income has certainly helped me have that extra financial stability that I think, like I said, we all look for.

If you’re on the fence of joining the community, don’t think twice. I had a conference call with Oz a year ago, and after speaking to him, I can tell that he wants to see everybody succeed. And it’s one of the best choices I’ve ever made. Thanks again, Oz. And if you’re on the fence, stop.

Alex hidalgo
Alex Hidalgo

Terrance McConnell




So if you’re on the fence and thinking about it, get off of it. Take the chance, take a leap of faith, take the investment. Do what’s right for you and your family.

Hi guys, this is Terence McConnell with RTD Global Enterprises LLC. I’m part of Oz’ Blueprint System, and I started this business. And the reason I wanted to shoot this video is that anyone that’s thinking about coming on board and doing Oz’ Blueprint, don’t hesitate.

My background has been in the military for over a decade and then I started off in the financial industry after I left the military. 2008 and 2009 were probably the worst years in my life in the financial sector and I got away from it as quick as possible, but I traded one headache for another 60 to 70 hour a week job that I hate.

So it was obvious. I had to do something and I had to do something that was going to allow me the freedom to live on my own terms, make the kind of money that I want and was used to. So if you’re on the fence and thinking about it, get off of it. Take the chance, take a leap of faith, take the investment. Do what’s right for you and your family.

Terrance McConnell

Todd Browne




For anybody that may have any doubts about the system or what Oz is offering, there really is no doubt. Like I said, the knowledge is there, the tool’s there, the resource is there, the support is there. You just got to show up and put in the work.

Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. My name is Todd Browne with Empathetic Financial LLC. I’m sharing this video to inform those watching that the Business Lending Blueprint is real, has great knowledge, resources, tools, and support for success. I joined because I wanted to learn inbound systems, which I have learned, most recently. July 15th, 2019 I would be submitting an existing business, seeking working capital. So I have not closed with the system yet. However, I know I’m on the right path, so it’s just about working the system, which Oz lay out beautiful and I’m just working the system.

For anybody that may have any doubts about the system or what Oz is offering, there really is no doubt. Like I said, the knowledge is there, the tool’s there, the resource is there, the support is there. You just got to show up and put in the work. So I’m here, making this video to support Oz in the Business Lending Blueprint and hope you guys join the team.

Todd Browne

Todd Click




It’s a great program. It’s full of content, easy to follow format. He’s always there. He’s just an email away.

Hi, this is Todd Click, and I am filming this video to let you know what I think about Oz Konar’s Blueprint program.

I got into this opportunity because I needed and wanted something to help pay the bills, basically. I was looking into doing real estate loans and things like that, but I came across Oz somewhere and went and saw his program, got his program, and started implementing it. It’s a great program. It’s full of content, easy to follow format. He’s always there. He’s just an email away.

But unfortunately I got a little sidetracked with the shiny object syndrome and ended up doing other things and actually got my license to be a loan originator and then be a realtor, so I kind of let this business slide, but now it’s time to come back to it. Now it’s time to implement it again, and I’m looking forward to whatever is in Blueprint 2.0. I know that the original Blueprint that I got a year ago was awesome, so I can only imagine what’s going to be in this one.

Todd Click

Tommy Nguyen




You get a support group from a private Facebook group, weekly calls, and the group is very active. So if you’re looking to possibly join the group or want to start, this program is very comprehensive. It’s great for beginners and experience alike.

Hi, my name is Tommy. I’m part of Oz Blueprint program. When I was starting out loan brokering, one of the biggest challenges I had was just getting enough leads. I came across and joined his program. I started implementing all the strategies, the sales and the marketing, especially the marketing. He teaches how to do organic and paid.

Now on a daily basis I’m gaining much more leads. It’s more consistent. My pipeline’s full, funding more deals, and overall I had a tremendous positive experience. And there’s a lot more value. You get a support group from a private Facebook group, weekly calls, and the group is very active. So if you’re looking to possibly join the group or want to start, this program is very comprehensive. It’s great for beginners and experience alike. So hopefully you join us.

Tommy Nguyen

Tony Rashad




However, after going through the program, it took me from, as it states it’s a blueprint, so it took me from A to Z. It taught me how to set up the business, how to get leads, things of that nature.

Hello. My name is Tony Rashad. The name of my company is Alternative Commercial Capital. I am a member of Oz’s Blueprint Program. I want to record this video to give you a testimony of the program. I joined the program maybe 12-15 months ago. I didn’t know too much about business lending, so I watched a couple of his YouTube videos, reached out to him. He’s very responsive in reaching back out and replying to my texts or emails, and after that we had a few conversations and I joined the program. Like I said, I wasn’t too familiar with business lending when I joined the program. However, after going through the program, it took me from, as it states it’s a blueprint, so it took me from A to Z. It taught me how to set up the business, how to get leads, things of that nature.
I wasn’t looking to actually do it on a full-time basis, it was part-time for me, because I own another business. However, I was coming across people who actually were interested in getting commercial lending, or commercial money, and I was referring them out to people who I didn’t know. I would just call them up as a service, call other people up and just referring people over. But then after I learned how to do it myself, I actually funded a few deals, and also within my… My professional occupation is real estate, so I actually was able to fund a commercial deal through one of the lenders that I was turned onto within the program.

So for all of you who are on the fence about joining, if you don’t know anything about business lending, this is probably the best program that you can get, to take you from A to Z. Like I said, I didn’t know anything about it. I’ve made money with it. My return on investment is… I can’t calculate right now, but it has been very, very good to me. And I made my initial investment, I made it back in a very, very short period of time. So again, I just wanted to shoot this video, and hopefully it’s encouraging to someone. Thanks a lot. Bye.

Tony Rashad

Tracy Glover




And the best part is, they are constantly improving the program, and you just can’t beat someone who is as into it as you are, to make sure everybody’s successful.

My name’s Tracy Glover, and the name of my company is I’ve been a member of Oz’s group for about six to eight months. I am 60 years old, and not that good at computers. I originally wanted to do my own business after working for people all my life. I thought it would be a fun, enjoyable experience, but I needed guidance, all the way along the way, which I have gotten, through Oz’s program.

The best thing about the program is, they’re constantly improving the program. If you have questions, you call up. I work with Fernando a lot, and he has really helped me through some areas that I didn’t know how to do it myself. I have seen money and would tell anyone that it’s almost like night school. You do one module at a time, when you have time, because you have work and family and other events that happen, and gradually, you will get there. You don’t put out a whole bunch of money in the end, so it’s a great way to get your own business started and get away from the riff raff. I live in a very rural area, and you can do it from anywhere.

I want to thank Oz a lot, for everything he’s done for me, financially, and for helping me along the way. And the best part is, they are constantly improving the program, and you just can’t beat someone who is as into it as you are, to make sure everybody’s successful. Thanks.

Tracy Glover