Lawrence Mitchell




It’s very comprehensive. I mean, I stated that, but it really gets into detail about how you can really set up your Facebook marketing, reach out to companies, utilize LinkedIn, things of that nature.

Hey, MCA family. My name is Lawrence Mitchell. My business name Three Court Financial. I wanted to shoot this video to share my experience with the Blueprint layout so far. I really like it. It’s very comprehensive. I mean, I stated that, but it really gets into detail about how you can really set up your Facebook marketing, reach out to companies, utilize LinkedIn, things of that nature. I got into the program through my brother. He told me about it, and we’re both really entrepreneur minded. We are both in entrepreneur mindsets. I took it upon myself to take the leap and jump in. I really believe in the business. The program itself gives you confidence and a lot of tools that you can utilize to give you the confidence in yourself and in your business to set it up professionally, and run it, and actually go out and get customers, and get deals in your pipeline.

So far, within the program I am just about done with module two, and I’m making my progress. He’s recently released a new program, so looking forward to being able to have an opportunity to get access to that. I heard it was far better, so I’m looking forward to that. For anybody who’s looking to get into MCA, I suggest that you jump in. Do your due diligence, do your research, but dealing with Oz’s program, it’s really hands on. He has a lot of support and a lot of help, so if you have any questions, you can actually get on the weekly calls. I believe they’re every Thursday at 7:00, eastern time. You can get on the weekly calls. You can even back date and hear the previous calls, which would probably answer some of the questions you have. But you should really take the leap and get on. Thank you. I’m looking forward to increasing my wealth. Have a great day.