Keith Anderson
Just so you know, this is a business that’s not going to go away. Businesses need money to survive. Whether it’s a small store or a large chain or a gas station, any type of business.
Hi, good afternoon. My name is Keith Anderson. I’m part of Oz’s blueprint system. I signed up recently and just trying to get myself started in a new MCA business. My goal is to eventually replace my income. With what I’m doing, I’m currently working full time in outside sales and my goal is to create an income where I can work away from this pretty soon. So, I’m just trying to get started in this business.
I’ve started going through the blueprint system that Oz has put together. So far it’s really good. I like the training. It’s just a matter of getting it implemented. For someone that’s starting out, you really need to take your time and go through some of the steps and actually put it to work versus just reading it and so forth. So, I guess right now my struggle is the time with my … I’ve kids and a wife and just need to sit down and do everything. Go through the steps and implement everything.
But so far the training is good. It’s been really well received. I like the way it’s laid out. It’s not a whole lot that I would change, it’s just a matter of doing it. So, for someone that’s getting started, just go through the training, follow the steps, and get started because nothing happens unless a pebbles turned essentially. Anyway, I just to give you that feedback. Hope that helps you if you’re making a decision and getting started in the business.
Just so you know, this is a business that’s not going to go away. Businesses need money to survive. Whether it’s a small store or a large chain or a gas station, any type of business, they need money even to just keep their doors open. So, unlike a doughnut store or a store that makes … I’ll say doughnuts again, people are always going to need money. They don’t always need a doughnut, but they need money. So, anyway, take care. Thank you.