Drew Cashmere




I have been in the group for about eight months and soon will be closing a $1.5 million dollar Sba deal to fund a warehouse purchase. People on the fence, well three ways to go: stand on the fence, fall off the fence, or jump off the fence.

Hi Oz, this is Drew Cashmere from South Florida Funny Group, from sunny Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. I’ve been with the group now over eight months. I’m doing this video to qualify for the next level of training. I have seen your modules over and over again, and still use them today. What I have accomplished over the eight period is, increased my LinkedIn list from 6500 members to 8500 members. We’ll reach 10,000 by the end of the year. I’m finishing my website by the end of the month with a new landing page.

It looks like I’m closing my first deal by the end of July. It’s a $1.5 million dollar funding of a warehouse purchase. It’s an SBA/bank loan. It was referred to me by another broker who was declined for the deal. I’m pretty happy about that. People on the fence, well three ways to go: stand on the fence, fall off the fence, or jump off the fence.

I jumped. I’m happy with my decision. Thanks again, Oz. keep the informed going forward.