Don Johnson




And the Blueprint has definitely helped cut a lot of the red tape and the trial and error, and especially the expensive trial and error sort of mistakes that you can make when starting any new endeavor at all.

Hi, my name is Don Johnson with Accelerated Financial. Just wanted to make this quick video to let you know kind of how I was feeling about the MCA Blueprint program. I’ve been a member since roughly, gosh, I think I signed up in June. June or early May, and it’s been quite beneficial. I am pretty much a full-time entrepreneur, always have been, probably always will be. And I’m a big believer in training, and doing your research, and doing your homework and finding good, quality resources in order to glean information on how to be successful in any given one endeavor that you may choose. And the Blueprint has definitely helped cut a lot of the red tape and the trial and error, and especially the expensive trial and error sort of mistakes that you can make when starting any new endeavor at all.

Really, really appreciate Oz for creating this program. I had done a lot of research for the past years regarding this industry and how to get into it and how to ultimately be successful as fast as possible. And I found all the information laid out within the Blueprint program to be quite helpful. All of the folks that I’ve dealt with besides Oz, Fernando, even Daniel Diaz has helped out a bunch. Just really, really appreciative, and really great folks to work with. And if you’re on the fence, as far as deciding whether this program is right for you, I would honestly recommend it. Anything that you can do to further educate yourself and get yourself into a position for success, and the most efficient success and as quickly as possible, it is in your best interest. In this industry, I’m highly fascinated by it and I learned new things and new ways to be able to help out business owners on a daily basis. And I’m really thankful for this opportunity and discovering this course. So you should definitely do it too. All right? Thank you for your time today and talk soon.