Sandra Vader
I found the program to be inspiring and very possible to grow in the industry, and the training in this program has given me the confidence to believe that I can accomplish my goals and fund four to five deals a month.
Hi. I’m Sandra Vader. My business name so far is Go To Funding. That may change. I don’t know. I’m currently in Oz’s Blueprint program. Have been for a couple months now. I wanted to shoot this video to share my experience in the program so far. I found the program to be inspiring and very possible to grow in the industry, and the training in this program has given me the confidence to believe that I can accomplish my goals and fund four to five deals a month. That would be life changing for me. I decided to join the Blueprint program to create a life change that would allow me to leave my roommate situation, quit my day job, and spend more time with my 14 month old puppy. That’s my puppy. I decided … I did that one. My experience in the program so far, I’ve gone through the original Blueprint program. I’m currently working on setting up my foundation, looking forward to the 2.0, I think, would really help me … feel better about that. I would tell anyone looking at this program how detailed and supportive this program is. If you need any help with support, you can always call and get someone to talk to you. No question about it. It’s an awesome program. Thank you.