What makes BLB the Most Success Driven Program Ever Built....

Business Lending Blueprint

How Exactly does BLB help you generate more income? 

Exclusive Access to our Expert Community

How BLB ensures your success through On-going Training and Workshops...

BLB is famous for our up-to-date and results-driven training portal.
24/7 Access.

BLB Document Collection Funnel -Automated

Your Own Custom Loan Broker Website

Your Own Custom Loan Broker Website

Phone, Email and Text Message System - All in One

BLB Support System -24/7 Live Chat Support. 

BLB Support System -24/7 Live Chat Support. 


Here's What You'll Get:
  • Exclusive access to the BLB Content Portal that is responsible from Millions of Dollars of Commissions (Literally) Earned by BLB Students. 6 Modules of Incredibly Valuable, Online Training - 100s of Videos  (Value = $5997+)
  • ​You will be assigned a one on one Onboarding Coach to Plan Your Success Plan and How to Use BLB to Reach Your Goals.  (Value =$7500)
  •  All the collateral, flyers, blogs, business cards, contracts, scripts and an Entire Completed Website along with marketing funnel is provided (Value=$3600+)
  • ​Automated Email, Marketing, Text Message System to Nurture and Fund Your Deals. 
  • All the Partners and Direct Lenders you need to get your deals funded. (Value=$5500+)
  • ​Exclusive Access to Done For You, Done With You (Mentorship), and Do it Yourself (direct lenders) access. 
  • Countless real-life marketing strategies, coaching and mentorship to help you get your first clients fast. We teach you what what made us the One of the Fastest Growing Companies in U.S.  (Value=$3200+)
  • ​Access to More than 10 Different Lending Options to help you fund both Start-ups and Existing Businesses. (Value: $12000+)
  •  BONUS 1: Weekly Q and A call with BLB Experts (lifetime) ($$$) 
  • ​Bonus 2: Acceptance into the Weekly Small Group Funding Calls and Discussions by the Lenders and Funding Experts. (priceless) 
  •  BONUS 3: Acceptance into the private and exclusive BLB Facebook Community for collaboration and growth with other members.
  • BONUS 4: Phone, Email and Zoom support from the U.S. Based Blueprint support team.
  • BONUS 5: BLB Flowchart poster with step by step instructions on how to fund deals fast is shipped to your home address. (We Will Mail it to you at no cost)
  • BONUS 6: BLB ACCELERATOR: You are assigned a one one coach that will lead you to success.
  • ​BONUS 7: Get Complete Access to Our Business Credit System. Learn How to Build Business Credit Independent of your SSN and get access to Funding. 
  • BONUS 8: Conversational AI booking appointments on your calendar. Generate leads and have AI qualify them for funding. 

Fair Warning! Please go through the entire page...BONUSES are available for a very limited time...

If you Don't Think What You are Getting with BLB is Not At Least Worth 10x of What You are Paying, Please Do not Join...My On-Boarding and Success Team is on Standby to Schedule Your On-Boarding Success Call,Once you Join. 

Your 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you implement EVERYTHING I show you, and don't see a change in your business, and provide us the proof - I will give you your money back! 

For a Limited Time, Here is the final BONUS you get access to NOW. 
Lifetime Access to Business Credit Success Blueprint....

Business Lending Blueprint
Success Screenshots

*Results May Vary


Daniel Dias 

 "It’s pretty much steady now, $30,000 each and every month"

“...I mean, it’s pretty much steady now, $30,000 each and every month. So, that’s been my biggest benefit. If you’re newer to the industry, and you follow the steps that are in the course, and you get support from the group, there’s really no reason why you won’t be able to succeed.” 

*Results May Vary

"0 to $110,000 in a few months" 

“...$0 to $110,000 in a few months. When I joined the BLB, Business Lending Blueprint, I joined it because I realized it was like a family. It’s like a second family to me, and that’s why I want to help people. I want people to do well. My information, my knowledge, my things I’ve learned, all it’s going to do is benefit them.” 

*Results May Vary

Josh Crossen

Brandy Sams

“...That deal was $183,000 loan amount and I made almost $7,000.

 “...That deal was $183,000 loan amount and I made almost $7,000.
Another loan amount was about $123,000, I made more than $4,000. I forgot to mention too. And we have a $2 million transactional funding deal that we’re trying to get closed by the end of this month.” 

*Results May Vary

"We did a close to 300,000.
I’m working on $500,000"

“We funded last month, we did a close to 300,000. I’m working on $500,000. So, if that one closes this month, actually I found out this guy had properties and I’m working on the 1.95 million dollar deal with that one right now.”

*Results May Vary

Ray Fernandez

Amir Towns

We ended up getting him $210,000 I believe and I received over $23,000.” 

“I mean just to follow the the blueprint. Just follow it step by step and should be fine. My first deal was actually a lab. We ended up getting him $210,000 I believe and I received over $23,000.” 

*Results May Vary

There is more where that came from! 

*Results May Vary

FAQ on Business Lending Blueprint.

What is Business Lending Blueprint?
Business Lending Blueprint is the most success driven business training system that helps ordinary people start and grow their own lending business. We have helped hundreds of people get rid of their 9 to 5 jobs and many people created a 7 Figure business through our Blueprint.
Does Business Lending Blueprint Cost anything to start?
Yes. Well That's Why You are On this Page. Enrollment into the Blueprint requires up front payment. But we do have payment and financing options. You can actually start your own business for less than $1000 with BLB. Others charge more than $25,000 with 1/10th of what we offer and the results we help our members get. All details of the cost is outlined in this free training.
How can you claim that this is the best business to start now?
Sure we know it might sound like an exaggerated claim to say that this is the best business to start. But we can back up our claim.

Alternative lending industry survived and had thrived through the 2008 recession and it has done the same through the pandemic. As a business loan broker, you are helping all the startups and existing businesses get access to money and capital.

What’s a sexier product than selling money?
How is BLB different, and what's unique about it?
The Business Lending Blueprint Program is not just another Guru program on the Internet. The difference is that we teach our students about an industry that has been around since the 1990s and has exponentially grown into a 3 Trillion dollar industry, according to a recent Forbes article. Our team has over 15 years of experience in this industry in all aspects regarding Product Knowledge, Lead Generation, and consultative sales. Our experience and coaching provided, coupled with your commitment, creates an unstoppable force!
What kind of support do I get?
We love this question. Not only you get access to our U.S. based customer service through email, zoom, and phone calls,

You also get your own coach assigned to you (yes we mean it), whom you can have weekly one-on-one zoom calls with. No revenue split or commission payment to your coach. It’s all yours.

Also Oz Konar, himself, does weekly Q and A calls every Thursday. So you get to be a part of this amazing community.

Our private fb group is what every member talks about. That’s where you get access to 100s of like-minded people, get your inspiration and build lifetime relationships with members and lenders.

You also get access to a board of mentors who can work on your deals and who can work with you to close deals.

You don’t get all of this anywhere else.
Do I get access to lenders, or do I have to find them on my own?
There’s no need to search for your own Lenders. Within the program, we grant you access to multiple reputable lenders for over 10+ products we train you on. More importantly you get access to direct lenders with no middleman. We give you a point of contact with the lenders to work with. So either you work directly with the lenders yourself to close deals and make up 3x more commissions than working with a middleman. Or you can use our mentors to have them work the deal while you enjoy the growth of your business.
How soon after I join can I start making money?
This really comes down to the time you dedicate to this per day. Most who consistently dedicate 2-3 hours per day usually have the business fully set up in about 3 weeks tops. And then they usually see their first deal closed within the first 30-60 days.
How big is the opportunity here?
According to a recent Forbes article, the Alternative lending industry is reaching the 3 Trillion Dollar Cap which is astronomical compared to any other industry. Students starting the Business Lending Blueprint program make an average of 15-25k within the first 30-60 days, making this opportunity not only big, but gigantic!
How much time should I dedicate to this per day?
As an entrepreneur, dedicating as much time as you can to your own business is the most beneficial route. However, we understand that life is in the way. You may have a full-time job and have to run home to tend to family matters. However, results have shown that if someone can dedicate 2-3 hours per day to this, they usually see their first deal closed within the first 30-60 days.
I've tired other programs and didn't have any success. How so I know this will work for me?
There are many programs out there, some work, some don’t. The Business Lending Blueprint works because we aren’t teaching you anything that hasn’t been done before. This is an industry that has been around since the 1990s.

As a car engineer needs blueprints to build a car, we provide you with the Blueprint to become a top broker within the alternative lending industry.

Aside from that, we have tons of social proof (More than anyone else). Different people with different backgrounds who have been successful in this industry with the help of the blueprint program. This shows we’re not another one of those Lamborghini driving, fly-by-night “Guru’s” here to make a quick buck from you.

We also have a conditional money back guarantee if it doesn’t work out.

FAQ on Business Lending Blueprint.

What is Business Lending Blueprint?
Business Lending Blueprint is the most success driven business training system that helps ordinary people start and grow their own lending business. We have helped hundreds of people get rid of their 9 to 5 jobs and many people created a 7 Figure business through our Blueprint.
Does Business Lending Blueprint Cost anything to start?
Yes. Enrollment into the Blueprint requires up front payment. But we do have payment and financing options. You can actually start your own business for less than $1000 with BLB. Others charge more than $25,000 with 1/10th of what we offer and the results we help our members get. All details of the cost is outlined in this free training.
How can you claim that this is the best business to start now?
Sure we know it might sound like an exaggerated claim to say that this is the best business to start. But we can back up our claim.

Alternative lending industry survived and had thrived through the 2008 recession and it has done the same through the pandemic. As a business loan broker, you are helping all the startups and existing businesses get access to money and capital.

What’s a sexier product than selling money?
How is BLB different, and what's unique about it?
The Business Lending Blueprint Program is not just another Guru program on the Internet. The difference is that we teach our students about an industry that has been around since the 1990s and has exponentially grown into a 3 Trillion dollar industry, according to a recent Forbes article. Our team has over 15 years of experience in this industry in all aspects regarding Product Knowledge, Lead Generation, and consultative sales. Our experience and coaching provided, coupled with your commitment, creates an unstoppable force!
What kind of support do I get?
We love this question. Not only you get access to our U.S. based customer service through email, zoom, and phone calls,

You also get your own coach assigned to you (yes we mean it), whom you can have weekly one-on-one zoom calls with. No revenue split or commission payment to your coach. It’s all yours.

Also Oz Konar, himself, does weekly Q and A calls every Thursday. So you get to be a part of this amazing community.

Our private fb group is what every member talks about. That’s where you get access to 100s of like-minded people, get your inspiration and build lifetime relationships with members and lenders.

You also get access to a board of mentors who can work on your deals and who can work with you to close deals.

You don’t get all of this anywhere else.
Do I get access to lenders, or do I have to find them on my own?
There’s no need to search for your own Lenders. Within the program, we grant you access to multiple reputable lenders for over 10+ products we train you on. More importantly you get access to direct lenders with no middleman. We give you a point of contact with the lenders to work with. So either you work directly with the lenders yourself to close deals and make up 3x more commissions than working with a middleman. Or you can use our mentors to have them work the deal while you enjoy the growth of your business.
How soon after I join can I start making money?
This really comes down to the time you dedicate to this per day. Most who consistently dedicate 2-3 hours per day usually have the business fully set up in about 3 weeks tops. And then they usually see their first deal closed within the first 30-60 days.
How big is the opportunity here?
According to a recent Forbes article, the Alternative lending industry is reaching the 3 Trillion Dollar Cap which is astronomical compared to any other industry. Students starting the Business Lending Blueprint program make an average of 15-25k within the first 30-60 days, making this opportunity not only big, but gigantic!
How much time should I dedicate to this per day?
As an entrepreneur, dedicating as much time as you can to your own business is the most beneficial route. However, we understand that life is in the way. You may have a full-time job and have to run home to tend to family matters. However, results have shown that if someone can dedicate 2-3 hours per day to this, they usually see their first deal closed within the first 30-60 days.
I've tired other programs and didn't have any success. How so I know this will work for me?
There are many programs out there, some work, some don’t. The Business Lending Blueprint works because we aren’t teaching you anything that hasn’t been done before. This is an industry that has been around since the 1990s.

As a car engineer needs blueprints to build a car, we provide you with the Blueprint to become a top broker within the alternative lending industry.

Aside from that, we have tons of social proof (More than anyone else). Different people with different backgrounds who have been successful in this industry with the help of the blueprint program. This shows we’re not another one of those Lamborghini driving, fly-by-night “Guru’s” here to make a quick buck from you.

We also have a conditional money back guarantee if it doesn’t work out.
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In the nature of transparency and authenticity, we do make a special offer at the end only if you'd like help actually implementing these video ad tactics and strategies. Is it required? Absolutely not. Will you receive value & insight even if you don't want to work together? 100% yes. Some people will take this training, implement it by themselves, and see breakthrough. Some people will see what's possible, and know that working together is just what they need to get results even faster. It's completely up to you but we hope that you'll at least participate in the free training, use it, and let us know what you think!
By pressing Click Here For Access you consent for Massive Action Co LLC and its authorized vendors to contact you at the telephone number provided for marketing purposes, with the use of technology that may include automatic dialing or prerecorded technology. Msg & Data Rates May Apply. Text back STOP at any time to opt-out. Consent is not required to make a purchase.
DISCLAIMER: The sales figures and results discussed in this training are our personal results and in some cases the sales figures and results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who watches “how to” information webinars get little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT ATTEND THIS TRAINING.

FAQ on Business Lending Blueprint.

What is Business Lending Blueprint?
Business Lending Blueprint is the most success driven business training system that helps ordinary people start and grow their own lending business. We have helped hundreds of people get rid of their 9 to 5 jobs and many people created a 7 Figure business through our Blueprint.
Does Business Lending Blueprint Cost anything to start?
Yes. Enrollment into the Blueprint requires up front payment. But we do have payment and financing options. You can actually start your own business for less than $1000 with BLB. Others charge more than $25,000 with 1/10th of what we offer and the results we help our members get. All details of the cost is outlined in this free training.
How can you claim that this is the best business to start now?
Sure we know it might sound like an exaggerated claim to say that this is the best business to start. But we can back up our claim.

Alternative lending industry survived and had thrived through the 2008 recession and it has done the same through the pandemic. As a business loan broker, you are helping all the startups and existing businesses get access to money and capital.

What’s a sexier product than selling money?
How is BLB different, and what's unique about it?
The Business Lending Blueprint Program is not just another Guru program on the Internet. The difference is that we teach our students about an industry that has been around since the 1990s and has exponentially grown into a 3 Trillion dollar industry, according to a recent Forbes article. Our team has over 15 years of experience in this industry in all aspects regarding Product Knowledge, Lead Generation, and consultative sales. Our experience and coaching provided, coupled with your commitment, creates an unstoppable force!
What kind of support do I get?
We love this question. Not only you get access to our U.S. based customer service through email, zoom, and phone calls,

You also get your own coach assigned to you (yes we mean it), whom you can have weekly one-on-one zoom calls with. No revenue split or commission payment to your coach. It’s all yours.

Also Oz Konar, himself, does weekly Q and A calls every Thursday. So you get to be a part of this amazing community.

Our private fb group is what every member talks about. That’s where you get access to 100s of like-minded people, get your inspiration and build lifetime relationships with members and lenders.

You also get access to a board of mentors who can work on your deals and who can work with you to close deals.

You don’t get all of this anywhere else.
Do I get access to lenders, or do I have to find them on my own?
There’s no need to search for your own Lenders. Within the program, we grant you access to multiple reputable lenders for over 10+ products we train you on. More importantly you get access to direct lenders with no middleman. We give you a point of contact with the lenders to work with. So either you work directly with the lenders yourself to close deals and make up 3x more commissions than working with a middleman. Or you can use our mentors to have them work the deal while you enjoy the growth of your business.
How soon after I join can I start making money?
This really comes down to the time you dedicate to this per day. Most who consistently dedicate 2-3 hours per day usually have the business fully set up in about 3 weeks tops. And then they usually see their first deal closed within the first 30-60 days.
How big is the opportunity here?
According to a recent Forbes article, the Alternative lending industry is reaching the 3 Trillion Dollar Cap which is astronomical compared to any other industry. Students starting the Business Lending Blueprint program make an average of 15-25k within the first 30-60 days, making this opportunity not only big, but gigantic!
How much time should I dedicate to this per day?
As an entrepreneur, dedicating as much time as you can to your own business is the most beneficial route. However, we understand that life is in the way. You may have a full-time job and have to run home to tend to family matters. However, results have shown that if someone can dedicate 2-3 hours per day to this, they usually see their first deal closed within the first 30-60 days.
I've tired other programs and didn't have any success. How so I know this will work for me?
There are many programs out there, some work, some don’t. The Business Lending Blueprint works because we aren’t teaching you anything that hasn’t been done before. This is an industry that has been around since the 1990s.

As a car engineer needs blueprints to build a car, we provide you with the Blueprint to become a top broker within the alternative lending industry.

Aside from that, we have tons of social proof (More than anyone else). Different people with different backgrounds who have been successful in this industry with the help of the blueprint program. This shows we’re not another one of those Lamborghini driving, fly-by-night “Guru’s” here to make a quick buck from you.

We also have a conditional money back guarantee if it doesn’t work out.

FAQ on Business Lending Blueprint.

What is Business Lending Blueprint?
Business Lending Blueprint is the most success driven business training system that helps ordinary people start and grow their own lending business. We have helped hundreds of people get rid of their 9 to 5 jobs and many people created a 7 Figure business through our Blueprint.
Does Business Lending Blueprint Cost anything to start?
Yes. Enrollment into the Blueprint requires up front payment. But we do have payment and financing options. You can actually start your own business for less than $1000 with BLB. Others charge more than $25,000 with 1/10th of what we offer and the results we help our members get. All details of the cost is outlined in this free training.
How can you claim that this is the best business to start now?
Sure we know it might sound like an exaggerated claim to say that this is the best business to start. But we can back up our claim.

Alternative lending industry survived and had thrived through the 2008 recession and it has done the same through the pandemic. As a business loan broker, you are helping all the startups and existing businesses get access to money and capital.

What’s a sexier product than selling money?
How is BLB different, and what's unique about it?
The Business Lending Blueprint Program is not just another Guru program on the Internet. The difference is that we teach our students about an industry that has been around since the 1990s and has exponentially grown into a 3 Trillion dollar industry, according to a recent Forbes article. Our team has over 15 years of experience in this industry in all aspects regarding Product Knowledge, Lead Generation, and consultative sales. Our experience and coaching provided, coupled with your commitment, creates an unstoppable force!
What kind of support do I get?
We love this question. Not only you get access to our U.S. based customer service through email, zoom, and phone calls,

You also get your own coach assigned to you (yes we mean it), whom you can have weekly one-on-one zoom calls with. No revenue split or commission payment to your coach. It’s all yours.

Also Oz Konar, himself, does weekly Q and A calls every Thursday. So you get to be a part of this amazing community.

Our private fb group is what every member talks about. That’s where you get access to 100s of like-minded people, get your inspiration and build lifetime relationships with members and lenders.

You also get access to a board of mentors who can work on your deals and who can work with you to close deals.

You don’t get all of this anywhere else.
Do I get access to lenders, or do I have to find them on my own?
There’s no need to search for your own Lenders. Within the program, we grant you access to multiple reputable lenders for over 10+ products we train you on. More importantly you get access to direct lenders with no middleman. We give you a point of contact with the lenders to work with. So either you work directly with the lenders yourself to close deals and make up 3x more commissions than working with a middleman. Or you can use our mentors to have them work the deal while you enjoy the growth of your business.
How soon after I join can I start making money?
This really comes down to the time you dedicate to this per day. Most who consistently dedicate 2-3 hours per day usually have the business fully set up in about 3 weeks tops. And then they usually see their first deal closed within the first 30-60 days.
How big is the opportunity here?
According to a recent Forbes article, the Alternative lending industry is reaching the 3 Trillion Dollar Cap which is astronomical compared to any other industry. Students starting the Business Lending Blueprint program make an average of 15-25k within the first 30-60 days, making this opportunity not only big, but gigantic!
How much time should I dedicate to this per day?
As an entrepreneur, dedicating as much time as you can to your own business is the most beneficial route. However, we understand that life is in the way. You may have a full-time job and have to run home to tend to family matters. However, results have shown that if someone can dedicate 2-3 hours per day to this, they usually see their first deal closed within the first 30-60 days.
I've tired other programs and didn't have any success. How so I know this will work for me?
There are many programs out there, some work, some don’t. The Business Lending Blueprint works because we aren’t teaching you anything that hasn’t been done before. This is an industry that has been around since the 1990s.

As a car engineer needs blueprints to build a car, we provide you with the Blueprint to become a top broker within the alternative lending industry.

Aside from that, we have tons of social proof (More than anyone else). Different people with different backgrounds who have been successful in this industry with the help of the blueprint program. This shows we’re not another one of those Lamborghini driving, fly-by-night “Guru’s” here to make a quick buck from you.

We also have a conditional money back guarantee if it doesn’t work out.